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Comment count is 15
deadpan - 2011-03-19



deadpan - 2011-03-19

Or as I like to call it "Gang Video Stalking."

Do you think I don't notice? The different accounts, the same tags, THE SAME TAGS, and always resubmitted by users who appear to have nothing to do with on another, but there you are, all in the same place, conveniently voting this stuff out of the hopper when I'm looking at videos?


Zarathustra00 - 2011-03-19


Agent #1 - 2011-03-19

I'm looking for a job. How do I get into gang stalking?

cognitivedissonance - 2011-03-19

Aren't you paying attention? You have to be UNEMPLOYED to be a gang stalker. If you're employed as a gang stalker, you don't exist; axiomatically, if you exist, you must not be a gang stalker.

delicatessen - 2011-03-19

You can be a gang stalker and not even know it

That's how deep this thing goes!!!

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-03-19

I'm not sure which is more amusing, the paranoid lady imagining everyone is out to get her, or the paranoid corner drug dealer who imagines everyone is out to get him. Stalemate!

dbtng - 2011-03-19

You win.

One of my best friends has this delusion. I hadn't seen him in years, and met him for a few drinks when he was in town. He showed me stitched-together, blurry-ass videos of his roof and pictures of people reacting to his own strange behavior. Somehow he doesn't understand that when you act paranoid, people treat you that way.

heyitslozeau - 2011-03-19

what cyclist said to women "hey, someone's filming us, do you know why?"

Adramelech - 2011-03-19

This is my second favorite conspiracy subject. The movement behind this phenomenon is huge. If you're into general kookiness, read up on it, it's actually extremely convoluted.

Rudy - 2011-03-21

And this is one of their favorite videos. Just about every schizo on YouTube links to it as "proof".

klingerbgoode - 2011-03-20

From her website:

"I was staying in a guest bedroom at my parents' home. I went to bed at 11:50 PM. As usual my upper back, shoulders, and neck became painful and very tense for a while before relaxing and letting me fall asleep.

The first unusual event began at 1:20 AM when I suddenly awoke from my sleep for no apparent reason. Within a few seconds I began to feel Pain With Psychotronics in my anus. The intensity increased slowly to an almost unbearable level. I concluded that the Bad Guys were punishing me for adding Operation Northwoods to the Project Media Matrix Web Site during the day.

Microwave Shielding my anus with my hand gave only temporary relief. I felt stomach pain momentarilly as I rolled over, as if the Microwave beams could not be immediately retargeted.

After a while the anus pain subsided but began to increase again and was accompanied by Pain With Psychotronics in other parts of the body and Loudness With Psychotronics of various house noises, such as the refrigerator. After some apparent noises from my intenstines, and I excreted a small amount of gas. This was their Cover for the pain. After this the pain finally disappeared for the night. The time was 2:24 AM. "


kingofthenothing - 2011-03-23

also, could have just been some bad hemmorrhoids, or possibly colon cancer.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-21

This type of paranoia seems really narcissistic to me. Why do you think people give a shit about your stupid little life, crazy lady? What made you think you're the center of all these homeless people with bikes and cars' universe?

kingofthenothing - 2011-03-23

So much of it is about denial. If you assume that your life sucking up until now has been because of greater powers at work, then you mentally let yourself off the hook for all potential future failings. They can't deal with the pain of the truth of their existence, so they live in these fantasies of being chosen and special to help prop up their self esteem.

The rest of it comes down to some really unfortunate rolls on their character sheet.

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