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Desc:Finally! A news outlet that understands my political position.
Category:News & Politics
Tags:ONN, Sarah Palin, america: lets go out with a bang, hitting the rothbard button
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Comment count is 15
chumbucket - 2011-01-19

the Onion gets it, and that anchor is totally hot

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-01-19

I didn't see a ring on his finger.

Cena_mark - 2011-01-19

Fox News gets it too. They some rather attractive anchors. Plus Sean Hannity for the ladies.

kingofthenothing - 2011-02-01

I'm glad to know that you have no clue what the ladies want.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-01-19

Not quite: more along the lines of helping an alcoholic relative kick the bottle by letting him hit rock bottom. It's the only way they ever change.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-01-19

We would have nowhere to go but up after this.

IrishWhiskey - 2011-01-19

The most common expression heard right before a downward plummet.

fluffy - 2011-01-19

The joke was ALMOST completed by the headline alone, but not enough to make it lose more than a star.

Chalkdust - 2011-01-19

no bonus star for "DC protesters criticize how poorly Jews secretly run the world"?

spencer - 2011-01-20

Ha! I missed that! Sometimes the stuff in the crawl is funnier than the main dish.

twinkieafternoon - 2011-01-19

There's no way the "Choose Your Own Adventure" Palin-presidency book doesn't already exist, so I'm going to assume Onion copied the idea.

Also, her show's selling point tag-line was funnier than most of the sketch, and the sketch was pretty funny.

Jellyneck - 2011-01-19

That was my literal reaction during the 2000 presidential recount. I knew Bush was a fuck up, but shrugged the whole thing off and thought it might be entertaining if he ended up getting it.

And holy shit.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-01-20

They nailed it, especially the last line.

kingofthenothing - 2011-02-01

Jesus, this is actually making her sound BETTER.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-07-05

"Build a Canadian border wall".

That is a joke from 2007.

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