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Comment count is 19
dr_mr_vandertramps - 2011-01-10


simon666 - 2011-01-10


Architeuthis Tux - 2011-01-10


Jet Bin Fever - 2011-01-10

To be fair, I think the whole world has to pay retribution for Yahoo Serious' popularity, not just the aussies.

Supahfly - 2011-01-10

I think that is true, and is already happening.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-01-11

When does the UK get theirs for Oasis and The Spice Girls?

garcet71283 - 2011-01-11

I'm sure Germany has something on the burner.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-01-10

There were probably crocodiles swimming around in that flood. Angry, angry crocodiles.

duck&cover - 2011-01-11

Flush-hour traffic.

kingarthur - 2011-01-11

Australian accents are the funniest narrators of tragedies or disasters.

"Aww naew! Oy maih gewdnaiss!"

Dr Dim - 2011-01-11

9 confirmed dead 66 missing LOL

spikestoyiu - 2011-01-11

Oh, it's That Guy.

Dr Dim - 2011-01-11

If you want to make fun of a massive natural disaster while it's still happening you need to come up with something better than a twenty year old movie no one here even remembers.

That guy - 2011-01-12


Pillager - 2011-01-11

I wonder if they took bets on which car would wash away last or how for they'd make it downstream.

godot - 2011-01-11

I get the feeling no one in this office called other building occupants to inform them of the rising waters of Gowrie Creek.

baleen - 2011-01-12

"Out front." Yeah. I'm sure they're just fine.

Hay Belly - 2011-01-12

That's a man that loves his BJ60. I'd do the same thing for my FJ40.

petep - 2011-01-29

disasters like this just bring out the best in some people

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