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Comment count is 13
Urkel Forever - 2011-01-04

Two minutes later, the mother bear showed up, killed them all, and calmly took a drink from the bucket. Later that evening, she was euthanized after killing three of the park rangers who were hunting her. Her remains were unceremoniously destroyed after no scientific projects were found to be in need a bear carcass. Her cub was sold to a Russian circus for three-hundred and forth-eight ruples.

baleen - 2011-01-04

I heard that the little baby bear frolicked and gamboled carefree across a meadow filled with wild lilacs and daisies, which he ate. People laughed, then they went back to the cabin with the bear cub, who was by this time very tired, and it fell asleep on a pile of blankets. The people ate hamburgers and talked about nature. The bear grew up and was put into a new zoo where it was pampered and enjoyed by children. It got all the meat it could ever want, and blueberries too. The people are still eating hamburgers and being nice to animals.
What's your source?

Xiphias - 2011-01-04

I heard all bears go to Heaven, where they sit at the right hand of jesus, and the buckets are always big enough to climb into

StanleyPain - 2011-01-04


WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-01-04

Still not as big a tragedy as this post

Urkel Forever - 2011-01-04

A few hours later, the internet spelling policed has what can be best described as an intuition. They awoke from their sleep and exclaimed, "MY GOD! Someone on the internet has misspelled something! To arms brothers!"

Oktay - 2011-01-04

May I point out that this cub is in possession of a bucket? I wonder what his words would be, if he were to describe this situation. Hmmm.

Charles - 2011-01-05

Fucking bucket! Fucking people! Shit!

memedumpster - 2011-01-04

One day the bear will tire of bucket torment and get revenge.

Crackersmack - 2011-01-04

Ten years from now a camper will be using a blue plastic bucket to get some water from a creek in Yellowstone park and a gigantic bear will come bounding out of the woods and rip him to shreds. Nobody but us will know why.

balistic - 2011-01-05

Growing up in a little mining town in the Sierras I had a Fisher Price sandbox made of plastic.

It ended up riddled with holes and gnaw marks because the local brown bears were always mistaking it for an ice chest.

That or they were looking for a delicious child to eat.

jyrque - 2011-01-05

But... he isn't in the bucket.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-01-05

Bam baba ba ba bam.

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