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Desc:Suck snot out of your infant's nose with your mouth.
Category:Educational, Nature & Places
Tags:snot, suck, mucus, motherhood, dont talk that way to me - when you were a baby I.
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Comment count is 8
Sundry - 2010-11-18

Maybe we were better off testing new borns in frigid water.

heyitslozeau - 2010-11-18

Kids face is priceless.

Oktay - 2010-11-18

My parents never did this, and that snot something I regret.

Goofy Gorilla - 2010-11-18

why would you do this, teeth-lady? Why would anyone ever do this?

kennydra - 2010-11-18

is it possible to use this device on yourself? could actually be useful if so...gross, but useful.

kennydra - 2010-11-18

also genuinely don't know how to rate this. its boring. and weird. but pretty boring. 3 i guess.

La Loco - 2010-11-18

This is fuked up. I bet she's gonna give her kids serious issues later in life due to this.

notascientist - 2010-11-19

Actually, someone in my lab has one and loves it. Babies can't really breathe through their mouths and your parent instincts freak out when they have a stuffy nose, and apparently this is a lot better than the nose sucker bulb thing.

When its 3 am and your baby is crying and you've already handled its shit and piss and it came out of your body, sucking a little mucus out of its nose is no biggy.

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