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Comment count is 12
RocketBlender - 2010-08-05

Owls get an automatic 5 from me.

charmlessman - 2010-08-05

If you ever get mad at an owl, don't try to break its neck. It won't work.

kennydra - 2010-08-05

This visual inspired a chuckle out of me. You and this owl get five.

facek - 2010-08-05

I just got mad at him when I was tilting my head with him and he went too far, FUCK YOU OWL!

BHWW - 2010-08-05


Nikon - 2010-08-05

He's weirded out by something.

Foux du Fafa - 2010-08-05

Wanna go for a flyyyyyyy?

duck&cover - 2010-08-05

The camera man keeps holding the cue-cards upside down.

kingarthur - 2010-08-05

"Whatchu lookin' at? Hey! .... Whatchu lookin' at?"

fatatty - 2010-08-05

That owl could sure use a helmet, and some courage and epic music.

Plan B - 2010-08-05

Why do people feel like they need to make owls better? Owls don't need to be better. They're already owls.

Nikon - 2010-08-05

My name is Nikon, and I agree with Plan B.

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