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Desc:With a sassy robot and that guy from Ice Pirates.
Category:Advertisements, Science & Technology
Tags:malt liquor, schlitz malt liquor bull, sassy robot
Submitted:K. Brass
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Comment count is 18
Billy the Poet - 2010-05-21

I always thought that the guy from Ice Pirates was Gregory Hines.

Which, I guess, means that 4-year-old me was a bit of a racist.

The Mothership - 2010-05-21

Nothing accompanies a game of space-chess better than malt liquor and a jive-talkin' robot.

And yes, I speak from experience.

lustygoat - 2010-05-21

I was going to argue until I saw your nickname.

kennydra - 2010-05-21

and a space bull.

Camonk - 2010-05-21

No, the space bull is the universal signal for the end of festivities. You know nothing of space.

La Loco - 2010-05-21

One of Hal9000's fever dreams as he died.

fluffy - 2010-05-31

These stars are for you.

lieutenant halfabeef - 2010-05-21

Don't just leave the robot to be destroyed! You know he can't shamble away from that bull fast enough!

kingofthenothing - 2010-05-22

man, the year 2000 is going to be so awesome.

kingarthur - 2010-05-22

This kind of thing makes me smile at life.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-05-22

Where has all the world's sense of innocent wonder and appreciation of beauty gone?

BHWW - 2010-05-22

This was how some people thought things were going to be around say, now.

Xero - 2010-05-22

That bull is a racist!

wtf japan - 2010-05-22

Schlitz Malt Liquor is delicious, and that's no bull.

Xenocide - 2010-05-22

The bull's name is Alcoholism. And he's come for all of them.

Except the robot, who is being pursued by another bull named Enabler. The robot is too awesome to attack, though, so Enabler just gives him high fives.

The Mothership - 2010-05-23


Rudy - 2010-05-24

Does... does that robot have a mustache?

ez - 2011-07-12

Of course he does - isn't it clear that he's a stone cold freak-a-zoid?

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