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Artist:Anne Clark
Desc:A great song completely and irrevocably ruined. This sh*t sucks.
Category:Music Videos, Electronic Dance Industrial Ambient
Tags:failure, anne clark, why would a merciful god allow this to exist
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Comment count is 1
Merzbau - 2010-05-05

The original (and the equally awesome "Our Darkness") are linked. How do you go from those tracks (and working with Vini Reilly) to this?

Also, please note: this was released in 2003. This did not come as a grainy, postage stamp sized Quicktime file on a business card CD included with a mid-90s issue of PC World touting CD-ROM IS HERE AND IT WILL CHANGE ENTERTAINMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY FOREVER.

This offends me in every possible way and I want to smear the pain around a little.

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