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Comment count is 12
citrusmirakel - 2010-01-15

What's with Silly Voice Man? This is in some way Howard Stern's fault, innit?

dementomstie - 2010-01-15

It's Thomas Lennon from Reno 911. He's doing a character who is basically the world's worst side kick. It's actually pretty hilarious in context, but is also one of those "This is so annoying and horrible that it's hilarious" things that is really hard to explain. He keeps mispronouncing everyone's names and the roles they're known for. He says at one point that Patton is from "Can of Beans"(King of Queens) and Patton riffs that, yes, he's in a new Pixar movie about a can of beans that wants to be made into a gumbo, but everyone keeps telling him, no he should be content with being a side dish. It's actually a really good show, even though a lot fans really hate the character Lennon is playing. It's only the second appearance of the character on the show.

Camonk - 2010-01-16

That's really interesting. Too bad this segment is about as funny as King of Queens

tamago - 2010-01-16

You both seemed to have missed the point of this clip entirely. It isn't a comedy routine. It's a man who is a comedian talking about Leno and being somewhat serious about it.. It's not meant to be uproariously funny.

ShiftlessRastus - 2010-01-16

Thank you dementomstie, for making me feel not-so-alone in liking Lil' Gary. Also, Patton is a comedy scientist. We should all respect his opinion.

dementomstie - 2010-01-16

Yeah... Um... I'm not sure where I stand on Lil' Gary actually. I think he's really annoying, but he's so annoying it becomes a parody of people doing annoying voices, so it's hilarious, and then it gets really annoying again when there's a really good conversation going on, like the one between Patton and the host here, and Lil' Gary interrupt it. But I think Thomas Lennon understands this, which is why this is the part of the hour long podcast with the least saturation of Lil' Gary.

Camonk - 2010-02-16

He's comedian. If he's not being funny, he's not doing his job. I don't give a shit about his fat little opinions unless they're paired with dick jokes.

dementomstie - 2010-01-15

I love CD-RR and Patton is pretty spot on here, at least in the "anti-Leno" view point.

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-01-16

These stars are for the Humor , None categories.

Xenocide - 2010-01-16

Patton is, of course, spot-on here. So much so that not even stupid morning zoo voices can deduct stars from this.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-16

Leno is that boss.

StanleyPain - 2010-01-16

I didn't know Scott Aukerman did a radio show for Comedy Death Ray. Damn I'm out of touch with the world.

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