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Comment count is 18
BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-12

He said 'sex action videos' like he'd never heard the word porn. I mean, surely it wasn't out of a sense of modesty, after he'd fired up the Sybian...and hung out in the swing...and..well, everything after he explained the parking arrangements.

The Townleybomb - 2010-01-12

Dude NTN trivia and five quarters to a dollar? I AM TOTALLY GOING TO OHIO TO FUCK THIS GUY'S WIFE.

dr tits - 2010-01-12

this guy reminds me exactly of another chris i know. only, about one and a half times skeezier ... i would never go to a swingers club that allowed people like him to be a member, let alone run the place.

and what the fuck is up with the pool? did they just flood the basement or something? this gets five stars for making me go "ew ew ewww!" every ten seconds. and the venitian blinds at 4:05 and the surprise at 6:42... keepin' it classy.! and what were they thinking making a BLACKLIGHT ROOM.!?!

Old_Zircon - 2010-01-12

Blacklight is a time honored method for hiding wrinkles, stretch marks and cellulite.

dichotic1 - 2010-01-13

Are you referring to the one who moved away to California or the one whose mom is the Mayor of Nashua, NH?

This video was awesome.

dr tits - 2010-01-13

more importantly, blacklight is also a time honored method of finding other peoples jizzies that weren't properly cleaned from the sheets, walls, ceilings, etc.

Old_Zircon - 2010-01-13

But, see, if every surface is completely coated then it wouldn't matter.

Chancho - 2010-01-12

That's the angriest vibrator ever! RAAAWRR RAR RAWWR RAWR

abeli$con - 2010-01-12

i like how he has surge in the first soda machine

retrocious - 2010-01-12

I'm going to take a break from watching this to give it a five for that guy's shirt.

TeenerTot - 2010-01-13

Look at that...even Bruce Lee is drop-jaw disgusted.

RedHood - 2010-01-13

The state of that place is horrific. Everything looks tainted and needs to be burned. I imagine the beds would billow out angry and sexual ghosts while burning down to their frames.

Enjoy - 2010-01-13

I am stuck in Dayton this week. What will y'all give me if I video myself going up to the entrance window and asking for a Cleveland Steamer.

RedHood - 2010-01-13

How about an actual Cleveland Steamer from the whole Poetv community?

dr tits - 2010-01-13

i think it shut down a few years ago... you should investigate -- he does give the street address.

Old_Zircon - 2010-01-13

their web site is down, replaced by some generic porn banner ads site.

Rudy - 2010-01-13

Excellent. I was looking for a swingers club, but couldn't find one that had a blender.

AmericanAir - 2010-01-13

Jesus, I watched the whole thing.

"I 'normally' stand at the other end."

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