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Desc:Bit old, I know, but age does nothing to diminish how Goddamned funny this is.
Tags:spastic, Chrono, flailing, Dragon Ball Z, Ki Sanctuary
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Comment count is 24
zatojones - 2006-09-19

I think I missed the part where he transforms

GingersHaveNoSouls - 2006-09-19

Nope, didn't see a lion... but he did morph into a jackass.

OxygenThief - 2006-09-19

Everyone knows lions are persistent mouth breathers.

EvilHomer - 2006-09-19

Classics never get old. Shhhhhhh... shhhh... AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

underaneonhalo - 2006-09-19

Did he say Hadoken?

ztc - 2006-09-19

His Lion Form is remarkably similar to his Roaring Halfwit form.

minimalist - 2006-09-19


Xiphias - 2006-09-19

oh dear

kicklecubicle - 2006-09-19

Chrono Presents: Aerobics for the chronically constipated.

boner - 2006-09-19

I think David Attenborough is hiding in the laundry hamper

Caminante - 2006-09-19

And he STILL looks like Bud Bundy.

GoodAaron - 2006-09-20

By far, my favorite part is the "Super Saiyan" power-up noise he makes with his mouth.

bopeton - 2006-09-21

Um. I guess that's useful in a fight, but it takes awfully long to do.

TEDA - 2006-10-16

I'm hoping against hope that he's cross-training for a girlfriend after this.

Vicious - 2006-10-30

Did he say "Kaio-Ken?" I think he did!

keinsignal - 2006-12-03

I'm pretty sure I could take this guy.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-05-04

Next episode: Showdown at the Astral Wal-Mart

blackbetta - 2007-05-13

I didn't know lions had giant ears.

Kumquatxop - 2007-07-08

it will never, ever get old

poples - 2007-07-11

Power Rangers were way faster morphers. But then again, they were mighty.

Pie Boy - 2008-01-03

Star Wars Kid gets big and this guy doesn't?

Also, I think I had a similar routine after I got into Digimon at age eight.

oogaBooga - 2008-08-19

Calm down guy, you're gonna give yourself a fucking embolism.

Lindner - 2008-11-03

It's the kid from "Smoking Aces" all growed up... kind of.

Nikon - 2011-09-11

This never gets old. This is still amazing, even now.

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