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Comment count is 9
infinite zest - 2009-07-22

old CGI intros for PC CD Rom games always showed you how you'd get your ass handed to you

SharpHawk - 2009-07-22

MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries intro is superior.

garcet71283 - 2009-07-23

Mech 2: Mercs was the best.
Although, 3 was good just for a more complete vision.

This was probably the weakest.

Explodotron - 2009-07-22

-1 star for no Timberwolf.

gnpaaron - 2009-07-22

repo can be a real dick sometimes.

Merzbau - 2009-07-22

The original Mechwarrior 2 intro is still the shit. ALPHA ASSAULT, THIS IS HQ. WHAT IS YOUR SITUATION? PLEASE COMPLY

lordpotato - 2009-07-23

Look at the bright side, kid. You get to keep allll the money.

Meatsack Jones - 2009-07-23

Still love MW2, where a Timberwolf takes out a Summoner with one ERPPC volley, then can only remember where the MG trigger is for the rest of the engagement.

TheQuakeSoldier - 2009-07-24

The soundtrack to this game was fucking amazing, still is. I miss the days when the CD's doubled as soundtracks. Shit, I miss the days when game music was good.

And yes, Mech2:Mercs was the best in all regards.

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