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Comment count is 13
halon - 2009-03-16


fermun - 2009-03-16

God damn those fascist communists homosexual marriages!

Aoi - 2009-03-16

But...if they're Canadians, and they're bad because they still live there, how can they go 'back to' Russia? Is Billy Bob Neck a Time Lord?

RomancingTrain - 2009-03-16

This is why hulu won't let you watch their videos.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-03-16

This is what they should show instead of the "we apologize but" card.

biclops - 2009-03-16

I guess I should move to Russia

Camonk - 2009-03-16

BACK to Russia you mean, right you dirty communitarian?

YakooMarkTwo - 2009-03-16

I thought when you hated a group of people, the saying was "The only good xxxxxx is a dead xxxxxx."

Also, this is a joke, right?

takewithfood - 2009-03-16

Pretty sure it's a joke, yes. Some of his other videos are more obvious.

kelpfoot - 2009-03-16

It is my firm belief that no one has ever actually been named Billy Bob Neck, so yes, this must be a joke.

Robert DeNegro - 2009-03-16

It would be hilarious if it were, indeed, just a joke. I think this guys serious and THAT makes it all the better!!!

takewithfood - 2009-03-16

He has a video about how soccer is the biggest threat to America (especially if girls play it). It's a character.

EvilHomer - 2009-03-16

It's true.

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