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Comment count is 20
halon - 2009-02-07

gosh I wonder

boba. - 2009-02-07

you would only 5-star this if it were a series of 60 minute videos delivered in aspergers monotone analyzing how this was fake.

this is a cool video, who cares whether it's real or not

halon - 2009-02-07

I would have 5 starred this if it were interesting. I'm sorry you like shitty things.

boba. - 2009-02-07

you're just jaded from all those african tribal levitations you're always going to

a flaming monkey - 2009-02-07

You gotta have a lot of trust in your wire team to be an African shaman.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2009-02-07

I just flew in from Africa and boy are my arms tired.

Severian - 2009-02-07

Boring, retarded.

glasseye - 2009-02-07

"Paranormal" bullshit.

socialist_hentai - 2009-02-07

i guess you miss the point of submitting this

Severian - 2009-02-07

I'd have like it if it had been a worse or a better. It just hit that boring place in the middle for me.

a flaming monkey - 2009-02-07

I hope that's the same attitude you have towards sex: "Dammit, you hit that boring place in the middle again, can't you make it better?... even worse would be better!"

Rape Van Winkle - 2009-02-07

Oh. The old "horn of a soot covered rhino up the shitter" trick.

The only "illusion" here is the "fire."

8bitwintermute - 2009-02-07

That would explain the rapid breathing and stiff-legged stance

kamlem - 2009-02-07

The ancient astronauts taught them well...

OxygenThief - 2009-02-07

After viewing this video, I believe I will take some time to do the things I never have.

seriouslyuguys - 2009-02-07

hurry boy, its waiting there for you

Udderdude - 2009-02-07

Best part of this are the utterly insane and delusional Youtube comments.

Cube - 2009-02-07

Oh, those gullible Germans!

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-07

Neat trick.

phalsebob - 2009-06-10

You can't hide stuff in the dark!

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