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Comment count is 17
zatojones - 2009-01-26

This is a viable alternative to the original

lolcoolj - 2009-01-26

This must be the Weird Al version.

jangbones - 2009-01-26

the chorus works far, far too well

Ozzy is now the Prince of POLKA!

Desidiosus - 2009-01-26

The image of Ozzy in lederhosen eating sauerkraut is extremely disturbing.

Enjoy - 2009-01-26

I'm impressed with how well it tracks the chords on this one.

Comeuppance - 2009-01-26

Just when I thought these were getting old.

Rudy - 2009-01-26

Best one yet. The tuba really helps.

oogaBooga - 2009-01-26

Tubas are fucking hilarious.

This video has me cracking up before even the first lyric.

jangbones - 2009-01-26

"someone took the tuba for a pony ride
the music sounded so much better"

athodyd - 2009-01-26

this is indeed the best one.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-26

I love how well this works.

It bears repeating that as weird as these get, none of them will ever reach the level of absurdity of the original Songsmith commercial.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-01-26

I made it to 1:36, can't handle anymore.

kingarthur - 2009-01-26

This works extremely well. Now if the midi backing track would just change up a little, you could sell it.

k-pap - 2009-02-05

Eläkeläiset, your days are numbered.

Old_Zircon - 2009-02-11

Definitely the best one.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-08-02


Hooper_X - 2009-09-08

You mean I haven't five'd and favorited this already?

man, i am slipping!

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