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Comment count is 4
godot - 2008-10-12

From New York Magazine 2007 culture awards:

"When a 1976 work became the obsession of a group at Grand Valley State University in Allentown, Michigan (population 11,000), it was clear that New York had lost its exclusive on Steve Reich. After rehearsing for eight months, they not only came to Manhattan to perform but even recorded it. The result proves (1) that what one person hears as a caffeinated urban pulse, another hears as the rhythm of the flatlands, and (2) that a bunch of midwestern kids can play Reich better than he can."

Their CD made #1 on iTunes Classical charts, plus #1 on Amazon's Classical, Jazz, Dance and New Age charts, and #15 overall.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-10-13

This is wonderful, thank you for posting it.

godot - 2008-10-12

BTW, the sound/video is much better in the video linked here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18581891

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-10-12


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