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Comment count is 7
asian hick - 2008-07-13

Fact: At every single marching band competition, there is a band that plays this. Badly.

t sounds incredible when played by a professional orchestra, though.

Desidiosus - 2008-07-13

My high school orchestra played this. Extremely badly.

lieutenant halfabeef - 2008-07-13

Weird. I was just contemplating submitting this yesterday. Same video and everything, too.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-07-14

I have such mixed feelings on the Vienna Philharmonic and try not to support them, but they do some great things. RIP von Karajan.

asian hick - 2008-07-15

Hey, one of the trumpet players looks sort of female. Isn't that enough for you crazy feminists?

TeflonDoc - 2008-07-14


major-_-turnon - 2008-07-14

I love me some Dvorak

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