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Desc:DragonForce plays their mindblowingly fast "Extreme Power Metal". Wait for the solos at the end!
Category:Music Videos
Tags:guitar, metal, DragonForce, Extreme Power Metal
Submitted:Gamara II
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Buy Song:iTunes - Amazon
Resubmit:Jimmy Labatt
Resubmit:Caminante Nocturno

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Comment count is 13
OxygenThief - 2006-06-08

The casual drinking of a beer while waiting for his turn to wail on the guitar makes this video.

azmo23 - 2006-06-08

Hilariously awesome! Through the fire and the flames we carry on!

Mike Tyson?! - 2006-06-08

Too bad the vocals are so gay sounding.

jrr - 2006-06-08


baleen - 2006-06-08

yeah the singer is kind of a burden on the talent

Spider Jerusalem - 2006-06-08

Saw these guys in Chicago. Live, they are unbelievable.

King Prawn - 2006-06-10

It'd make great Shoot 'em up music but this is horribly self-indulgent

garcet71283 - 2006-06-11

That song is like an incredibly kickass version of some Final Fantasy song.

AJumpingSpider - 2006-06-15

I'm sorry but I can only hold up 7 zippos at a time. :(

bopeton - 2006-09-02

I want this played while I battle the odds to save the rec center from bankruptcy.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-06

I want this played while I help a bunch of school girls with high-tech battlesuits save the world from certain destruction.

rroach - 2008-01-18

John Tess was gang-raped by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. The love-child, having grown up surrounded by leather and silk, ran off with daughter of White Snake and a circular saw.

This is their story.

(I would have to file this under guilty pleasure.)

Chip - 2008-03-04

What's great about Dragonforce is that they have no concept of excess. It's clearly never occurred to them that any extremes they go to in the name of metal might be embarrassing or silly. And so they're not! They're just awesome.

I do feel like I should have to fight a Robot Master at the end.

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