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Comment count is 10
Tomas - 2006-05-19

I fucking LOVE this guy!

Gylph - 2006-05-19

You don't do that to El Guapo.

blackbetta - 2006-05-19

Bas Rutten is the coolest thing to ever come out of the Netherlands

Mike Tyson?! - 2006-05-19

DON'T... YOU... EVER... DO... THIS....

baleen - 2006-05-19


Xiphias - 2006-05-23

big ba da bam bam bam da ding ding ding da bam

Aubrey McFate - 2006-05-25

I want to be Bas Rutten when I grow up

SharoKham - 2006-06-07

That's Bas Rutten's voice? "Dear Strong Bad, can you make a self-defense video for me?" Cool!

Killer Joe - 2006-06-17

I could do that.

petep - 2006-07-11

Somebdy's telling ME that about my wife?

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