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Desc:Amazing and incomprehensible trailer for an amazing and incomprehensible Nigerian movie.
Category:Trailers, Religious
Tags:lightning bolt, Nigeria, Nollywood, king of my village, GOD PLUS MAN
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Comment count is 14
boner - 2008-02-13

I don't even know where to begin. I TURN YOU INTO A CHICKEN

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-02-13


Randroid - 2008-02-13

The burning toy car with attached turnip (1:35) must be symbolic of the rejection of western society and a secular, empty, automotive lifestyle.

Scynne - 2008-02-13

Considering how fast and excitedly he spoke, it must be a fast-paced and exciting movie.

Billy the Poet - 2008-02-13

Larry Koldsweat/Moses Armstrong is the Newman/Redford of Nigeria.

mouser - 2008-02-13


Smellvin - 2008-02-13

What's the title of this, again?

boner - 2008-02-13

I actually found & watched a good portion of this movie. It is 99 per cent preaching Jesus and the Bible. The guy who cuts these trailers has all the talent.

Hooper_X - 2008-02-13

Seriously needs a Larry Koldsweat tag. This is utterly insane and utterly amazing, I don't care what boner says.

boner - 2008-02-13

Yeah it's still an amazing trailer. I think they distilled all the good stuff

revdrew - 2008-02-13

I'm dying for a Larry Koldsweat/Gentle Jack team up.

(already 5 starred)

Cube - 2008-02-13

I kinda like this.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-13

I don't know what I did to make this trailer so mad, but it must've been something horrible.

voodoo_pork - 2008-02-14

I can imagine a windowless room where this announcer and the guy from the Thomas Dolby video just scream single words at each other.




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