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Comment count is 14
merzbau - 2006-05-11

There are Freddie Goes to Hollywood videos less gay than this.

Xiphias - 2006-05-11

This is the best music video in the history of mankind.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2006-05-11

The one gut slapping the other guy's chest is the icing on this cake of pure joy

Sacred Cow - 2006-05-11

I thought the gay was still illegal in Romania

Herr Matthias - 2006-05-11

I guess it's only appropriate that Batman should show up

oddeye - 2006-05-11

Gay euro-pop is the best kind of pop.

dead_cat - 2006-05-12


Ed-thulhu - 2006-07-06

To quote MST3k, I bet Oscar Wilde only wished he was this gay.

Caminante - 2006-11-04

This is why gay people should be accepted in all societies.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-16



RoyCastle - 2006-12-16

the heavy editing suggest to me that there was much "dry hump dance" cut from the original

Vicious - 2007-02-06

It's sooo stupid but it makes me sooo happy.

tamago - 2007-05-13

Quite the guilty pleasure.

Spastic Avenger - 2007-12-20

I still can't get over the bit where the plane's engines turn into giant speaker drive units.

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