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Desc:Seriously. That's it. Okay, there's also a cooking contest and something.
Tags:pie, booze, james may, bull cock, Gordon Ramsay
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Resubmit:MacGyver Style Bomb

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Comment count is 7
Aeschylus - 2008-01-15

The F-Word is awesome. Someone post the clip with Ricky Gervais.

Aeschylus - 2008-01-15

"You disappoint me Ramsay..." James May is more badass than I think anyone gives him credit for.

PurpleXVI - 2008-01-15


There you go, cocksucker.

athodyd - 2008-01-15

"Fuck! The prawns!"

This is also notable for the first time I've seen any Top Gear presenter do something well that didn't involve presenting Top Gear.

RockBolt - 2008-01-15

"What, with that pile of shit! Beaten by a shaggy tramp!"

And we get Rachel Ray

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-06-30

This just kept getting better and better.

Crucifried - 2008-07-10

How CAN Ramsay consider himself a chef without having taken a drink?

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