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Comment count is 9
Xiphias - 2006-04-24

I want to spend all of your money

Aubrey McFate - 2006-05-01

All this, but they can't say "nuclear war"?

Namor - 2006-06-01

Loses a star for the gerbiling allusion.

ScrubbingBubbles - 2006-06-08

But why Lincoln?

Vicious - 2008-04-15

For some reason, there's been a persistent rumor that he was gay.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2006-06-19

I'll take teddy bears with wings and Viking helmets over a platoon of gay Lincolns any day, thanks.

SharoKham - 2007-03-03

I am hereby subtracting a star from Namor and awarding it to this video.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-04-19


Spike Jonez - 2008-06-12


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