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Comment count is 22
don piano - 2007-10-12

oh god more like "best animals"

someone took BUNNIES and made them CUTER

Roachbud - 2007-10-12

I wonder if they make a tasty stew

Xiphias - 2007-10-12

Tags: "better stews"

Azmo23 - 2007-10-12

dupe, but adorable

anvill - 2007-10-12

Wait - it's called a pika, and it eats things normally considered unfit for consumption? That's great!

Smellvin - 2007-10-12



gambol - 2007-10-12

Dupe, but I still can't give that less than 4.

Pandatronic - 2007-10-12

This should be duped every week.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-10-12

the little bunnies please me with their hops

mouser - 2007-10-12

Damn. I could use a pack of those for my lawn.

OldScratch - 2007-10-12

Wonderful clip. David Attenborough invented the nature documentary, and everything he has done is excellent. This would be a five star, but he attended Cambridge University, which is a horrible, damp little place with a huge chip on its shoulder.

RockBolt - 2007-10-12

There's something wrong with you

A Jumping Spider! - 2007-10-12

I thought we were rating videos, here.

Smellvin - 2007-10-12

My guess would be that he got rejected by Cambridge.

Xiphias - 2007-10-13

There really is something legitimately wrong with you.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-13

I already have this favorited. These things can swarm and take over the earth for all I care. I'll still be cooing when they eat my friends and loved ones.

Shion - 2007-10-13

Small cute things that go off like air raid sirens are some of my favorite things.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-10-13

Dupe, but that only takes away the sixth star.

And I state again, for every video of some creepy fungus that turns rainforest ants into zombies, or some pasasitic worm that makes a cricket jump into a swimming pool before violently squirming out of the cricket's thorax, or the millions of botfly videos, this one, single video makes up for it all.

Bless your industrious, flower-hoarding little heart, broken-record EE-ing Pika!

Afgh - 2007-10-14

What is the point of 5-starring dupes, exactly?

Vicious - 2008-03-02

What's the point of one-starring them?

baleen - 2008-03-02

Featuring David Attenburough as Dr. Rock Rabbit.

rustedmutt - 2008-03-17

Gather Gather

Sproing Sproing Sproing

Gather EEP Gather

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