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Comment count is 4
magical man - 2007-10-12

Not this shit again.

baleen - 2007-10-12

kevin smith

operation_cannonball - 2007-10-12

If you sing the National Anthem (USA) and then lead right into the Star Wars theme music, it transitions so perfectly and sounds great.

"And the hoooome of thhhheee brave!" Dun da dun da dun da du du du. Ba baaa buh buh buh baaa baaa.

OK obviously it doesn't work in print, but trust me, it would be soooo awesome.

P.S. If Lucas says Han shot second, Han shot second. It's his story. He can do what he wants.

P.P.S. We should just replace the national anthem with the Star Wars theme. Think how cool the Olympics would be with the flag hanging there and the trumpets and string blaring. I'm getting misty just thinking about it.

And smart-asses could make jokes about how the "Imperial March" might be more appropriate. Good times.

One star.

TimidAres - 2009-12-10

I am fighting tears.

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