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Desc:Torqued Ellipse IV and Intersection II, this time in time-lapse and without gawdawful commentary.
Tags:New York City, timelapse, Richard Serra, sculpture, MoMA
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Comment count is 6
Frank Rizzo - 2007-09-13

cool video, but is that suposed to be art?

Xiphias - 2007-09-14

I know you're just being a dipshit, but if you see them in person, they're pretty impressive.

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2007-09-13

greatest living sculptor

glasseye - 2007-09-14


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-14

It looks like it should be a giant timepiece. Does it have any equinox tie ins?

Stopheles - 2007-09-27

I went there yesterday to watch them uninstall the pieces, and the ones in the garden were already gone. The marble tiles in the garden have these amazing scratches and rust stains that show where the slabs of steel were, and yet because the forms were so heavily curved, they don't really convey just how much space the pieces took up.

There were a pair of seven-year-olds or so playing some sort of 'walk between the lines' game based on those scratches.

I absolutely love these sculptures. Sorry if I'm posting too many videos related to them, but it makes me feel a little less dumb for spending the time and money on a graduate thesis about his work.

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