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Desc:Dashboard cam of cop being tough guy
Tags:Cop, Police Officer, Threats, Making Up Charges, Commuter Lot
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Comment count is 21
Chet - 2007-09-12

Yeah, the guys is being a bit of a douche as well... but hey, google video submissions work again!

Frank Rizzo - 2007-09-12

yeah man, how dare he question a cop. Because we all know they can do no wrong.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-09-12

Fight the power, Frank.

Enjoy - 2007-09-12

I don't see him being a douche.

Smellvin - 2007-09-12

Follow up: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycount y/story/EF3667C80165B68086257353001498DC?OpenDocument

Cop got suspended. Also, how is the kid being a douche when he's simply asking the cop what he did? I agree that he could've spoken with a less whiny tone and a bit more tactfully, but simply questioning an authority figure who's just making up bullshit is not being a douche.

Blackbetta - 2008-05-27

And he got fired for not taping the counter with his own dashboard cam:

baleen - 2007-09-12

Wow. This guy was not having a good night. Those are just the mean streets of the St. Louis suburbs I guess.

Xiphias - 2007-09-12

Way to scoop my video, chet!

TeenerTot - 2007-09-12


Princess v2.1 - 2007-09-12

When asked, cops are required by law to tell you why you are being questioned

zatojones - 2007-09-12

They're required to tell you if you're being detained or not. If they say no then you're free to leave. If they say yes they have to tell you why. They generally don't need much more of a reason than "there's something fishy and I want to sort it out" but they can't hold you for very long before they're required to arrest you. At any rate it's fruitless to argue with cops. Save that for lawyers.

Cube - 2007-09-12

I'm glad cops aren't such macho a-holes in my country. And note to the guy who shot the video: leave your geiger counter at home when you go to shoot a video. Damn that clicking is annoying.

Colonel Cowlung - 2007-09-12

The City of St. George is an infamous speed trap. It's little more than a 2 mile stretch of road with some subdivisions branching off. There is no true crime, and everyone drives 5 mph below the 35 mph limit when passing through.

Their police force exists solely to generate funds for itself and the "city" and deserves no respect.

Roachbud - 2007-09-12

Fuck the police. I got a second job bouncing and I've seen pigs just beat the shit out of people - who were being douches -- and then let them go. I hate them all.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-09-12

Seems like the more boring the town, the more sadistic the cops. I grew up in a pretty quiet suburb of L.A. and my teenage brother has had his ass handed to him several times by the local police. He claims they'd lean a generic little baggie up against the windshield, in view of the dashboard cam, and tell him if he made any trouble about it they'd use this "evidence."

Roachbud - 2007-09-12

That shit took place in Adams Morgan, DC, which is pretty hopping at night and full of Latin Kings. I grew up in Maine and had my own run-ins with the redneck pigs up there.

mr666 - 2007-09-12

You can tell by Roachbuds comments he's one bad motherfucker. In his own mind, at least.

Vicious - 2008-01-13

The mean streets of Maine.

Adramelech - 2007-09-12

Haha jesus christ, you can almost see the drunk dad and the bullies beating this guy up as a kid. He was probably stroking his gun every time he said "boy".

kiint - 2007-09-12


quantumcreep - 2008-09-16

I love how after he sees the camera he gets nervous and starts pleading his case, rambling on about suicides and car thieves and little green men.

Asshole deserves to be beaten just for the intimidation alone.

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