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Desc:Oh he found that rainbow, all right.
Category:Horror, Music Videos
Tags:Zachary Allen, rainbow fag, gender indeterminate child, I suffered so you all must suffer as well
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Comment count is 21
Billings - 2007-09-12

That is a pretty catchy arrangement.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-12

The debris from this fagsplosion just reached space.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-09-12

Is this the thing that's singing on those prepackaged musicals they made us do in elementary school?

Knaaks - 2007-09-12

I legitimately like his pants :(

Gill_Sans - 2007-09-12

Do they have zippers in the knees? Why would anyone need a knee zipper? Why would anyone manufacture pants that anticipate the need for a knee zipper, in childrens' sizes?

Chet - 2007-09-12


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-12

Hot dogs.

Sean Robinson - 2007-09-12

Knee Pads.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-09-12

Knee beatings and/or knee rapings. Extra long penis urinating opening.

baleen - 2007-09-12

My eyes are drawn to the giant purple letters on the right hand side of the set that spell out "GAY." I can't stop looking at them.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-13

I think it says GARY, but whatever, the two words are pretty much the same thing.

TeenerTot - 2007-09-12

Four stars for his talent, (He CAN sing, after all.)
-1 star for a horrible future after he signs with Disney, launches into a post-mousketeer career, gets horribly over-exposed and used up, crawls into the bottle and becomes the latest punchline.

Rafiki - 2007-09-12

This needs a "Zachary Allen" tag to link to his Candyman video already on here, which is equally gay.

tamago - 2007-09-16


theFlu - 2007-09-12

This is how all my masturbation fantasies begin...

klingerbgoode - 2007-09-12

He's Avril Lavigne now!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-13

Is it just me or does he look like a male Olson twin, age ten?

tamago - 2007-09-16

Despite being gay enough to set my eyes on fire, the kid is legitimately talented. So five stars for that.

Janusian Soul - 2007-10-27

He needs more moves. I wish I had zippers on my knees, though.

Gwago - 2007-11-18

That kid needs some serious pyrotechnics at the end.

Good luck in high school, kid.

Aubrey McFate - 2011-11-05

Good lord. I found this submission randomly and I'm amazed at how homophobic this page is. Congrats people.

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