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Desc:Janis Martin, "the female Elvis," passed away this afternoon. One of rock's first.
Category:Educational, Music Videos
Tags:Rock, rockabilly, bang, Janis martin, bang bang
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Comment count is 7
HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-09-03

What the fuck is this stupid garbage

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-09-03

(referring to the video; the song ain't bad)

baleen - 2007-09-03

The video is terrible but I couldn't find any footage of her, so, sorry.

Maxville - 2007-09-04

That's strange that there's none of her early tv appearances around, I couldn't find anything either.
Still, it's Janis Martin and she gets 5 stars. R.I.P.

KnowFuture - 2007-09-03

Wow, never even heard of her.
Thought Wanda Jackson was pretty much the "female Elvis".

midgetrampage - 2007-09-04

Never heard of her but I like twangy soaked in reverd music so +5 stars

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-04

Ditto. This has more twang than a banjo factory. Also 5 stars for any song that actually includes the words "bangedy bang".

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