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Comment count is 6
merzbau - 2006-04-18

Yes! Flat Eric! Also, Mr Oizo's "Stunt"/"1" 12" is the shit.

Ed-thulhu - 2006-07-06

Yay for Flat Eric! Wished he'd done more stuff other than this and those Levis ads.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-27

Can I tell you guys how much I love Mr. Oizo? I love him THIIIIIIIIIIIIIS MUCH!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-05-30

Have I mentioned the Fave?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-10-11

Is this what Ray does that earns him enough payola to buy that rocket helicopter?

Chalkdust - 2009-05-29

puppet signing is hard

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