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Desc:trailer for Todd Haynes' odd Bob Dylan biopic
Tags:bob dylan, Christian Bale, todd haynes, cate blanchett, Heath Ledger
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Comment count is 5
IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-22

Cate Blanchett and five other actors playing Bob Dylan?

It will either be genius or massive suckage. Unfortunately, I'm leaning toward the latter.

zatojones - 2007-08-22

One day all the patting on the back Bob Dylan gets from baby boomers will break his back, and on that day I will smile.

Angel Carver - 2007-08-22

I'll never forgive Bob Dylan for making fun of Donovan.

C. Eloi Marx - 2007-08-22

The world needs less musicians' bio-pics:

1. They all tell the same story (rise, fall, rise) which is often untrue, Johnny Cash was lucky to be recording in the 90's because of his flat-lining sales.

2. Most songwriters tell the listener about themselves in their music

3. The films are all about giving artists who've been over praised to begin with, even more unnecessary praise. Bob Dylan doesn't need more sloppy blowjobs from boomers who incorrectly (b. 1941) think he is one of them.

If I hear another fellow 20-something talk about how great Johnny Cash is, like it's some club to belong to, I'm going to blow a fuse. Of course he was great, he sold 50 million albums, he's a cultural touchstone; I didn't need to see a melodrama to tell me he's great.

I can see it now "hey, did you know Bob Dylan's birth name was Robert Zimmerman", well no shit, everyone knows that. We are though the looking-glass people.

KnowFuture - 2007-08-22

David Cross as Allen Ginsberg.

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