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Comment count is 8
hornung - 2007-08-13

i'm serious as cancer, this video is 5 stars.

baleen - 2007-08-13

5 stars for the tags.

mr666 - 2007-08-14

urge to kill..rising!

dueserpenti - 2007-08-14

Anyone who says you can't be turned gay has never heard this song.

1394 - 2007-08-14

Best Snap! song ever.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-08-14

5 stars for the best use of the Kennedy Space Center since it's construction.

snothouse - 2007-08-18

That's Christmas lights on a guitar. You know what that is?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-25

People who don't understand why this song is great have no business listening to music.

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