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Desc:Remember "Les Deux is Les Lying"? She's back and more awful than ever! Bonus Elizabeth at the end!
Tags:elizabeth, Nancy Grace, susan moss, people to pee on, cock hound
Submitted:Mayberry Pancakes
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Comment count is 17
Bebido - 2007-08-11

Nancy Grace, covering only the more important things in society.

Hooker - 2007-08-11

Nancy Grace: automatic five stars for overwhelming hatred. Also, her and that cave troll cockmonster seem to symbiotically perpetuate my level of sheer hate.

In conclusion, fuck these cum-dumpsters. This is worse than anyone FOX has ever paraded on TV.

doc duodenum - 2007-08-11

Just clicking on Nancy Grace's name in the tags pleases me. The first one is 'bitch.' I think 'cock hound' should be added.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-08-11


I like the Doritos and Coke as props, but Susan Moss is somehow a million times worse.

Hooker - 2007-08-11

Her name is the Cockmonster. She gobbles cock.

mouser - 2007-08-11

Junk food AND soda!

Everyone know you can't mix junk food and the fifth food group.

kingarthur - 2007-08-11

Susan Moss seems to be a bitter, shrieking, J.A.P. with nothing better to do than think she's celver. Also, hooray for more Elizabeth.

Knuckles - 2007-08-11

Oh, Elizabeth in the control room, will you ever learn? I hope not.

phalsebob - 2007-08-11

Say what you want but but Susan Moss knows the indisputable alleged facts and proven conjectures!

Hugo Gorilla - 2007-08-11

In short, modern television journalism has stopped caring and being a cynical and spiteful attorney will get you a show.

To Hell with Nancy Grace and CNN.

EvilHomer - 2007-08-11

Awww, crap. Here I was thinking it was Nancy Grace ON Britney Spears. Nancy Grace, take note: more hot lesbian action, less yapping on like a daschund from hell.

"When I grew up we never have soda! So children shouldn't have soda! BLARGARGAGLE I DRINK PEE"

Aubrey McFate - 2007-08-11

You WANT to see Nancy having sex? Good god, man.

fluffy - 2007-08-11

Susan Moss is extremely impassioned about this important, gripping issue.

I like that Elizabeth has her priorities straight.

craptacular - 2007-08-11

someone needs to make a fansite for Elizabeth In The Control Room

i hope she had a pleasant, nancy grace-free vacation.

FeilecanOiche - 2007-08-12

Wait, Elizabeth was still employed after the Paris Hilton thing?

Clearly someone at CNN is keeping her around for the lulz.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-17

I think they should give Elizabeth her own show, where she sneaks into the control room of shows run by unpleasant people and messes around with them.

Keefu - 2008-09-07


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