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Desc:He stuffs a bunch of chips into his belly button.
Tags:fat man, CHiPs, Last Boss from Ghosts n Goblins, Carnival Barker with Downs Syndrome
Submitted:bakune young
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Comment count is 24
Xiphias - 2007-08-01


revdrew - 2007-08-01

I read "Carnival Barker" as "Clive Barker". This is like something out of Nightbreed.

Also, you forgot "Tongue of the Fatman".

Pandatronic - 2007-08-01

WTF I can't masturbate to this

Kumquatxop - 2007-08-01

WTF you can't masturbate to this?

sloth love crunk - 2007-08-01

Evolution at work: a fatty capable of bypassing the mouth and esophagus

Camonk - 2007-08-01

This was horrible. Why couldn't I stop laughing at it?

Merzbau - 2007-08-01

I could fit my entire hand in his belly button :(


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-08-01


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-01

I already submitted Rene Laloux's Gandahar.

GoodAaron - 2007-08-01

I'm a little concerned that the most disconcerting part for me as I was watching it was that the mouth wasn't chewing the potato chips.

Sudan no1 - 2007-08-01

I was hoping he would crease his flab to 'chew' the chips. DISAPPOINTED

plank - 2007-08-01

I too was lured in by the implication of lifelike stomach chewing.

klingerbgoode - 2007-08-01


Smellvin - 2007-08-01

This is exactly what YouTube was CREATED for: someone doing something so horribly stupid that you can't look away.

Rafiki - 2007-08-01

There's another video where he eats an entire bag of potato chips (1300 calories!) in 8 minutes, then at the end mentions he has diabetes. He'll be dead soon.

manfred - 2007-08-01

Those are some big ass titties.

glasseye - 2007-08-01

Fatties acting retarded... Truly the heart and soul of PoE.

kthorjensen - 2007-08-01

Horror made flesh.

Endoris - 2007-08-07

That's a sad story.

Cube - 2007-08-07

Now now... When we started Internet, we KNEW this was bound to happen sooner or later.

nubilus - 2007-08-14

god bless the internet and god bless fat man

Vicious - 2008-01-13

I was expecting the removed stomach of a fat man on a hospital trolley, continuing to eat anything that came near: chips, soda, fingers; so conditioned by a life of torment that it knew no other way.

Urburos - 2009-02-11

I was not amused, nor disgusted.

Squeamish - 2009-10-24

I was.


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