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Comment count is 7
Cena_mark - 2024-07-30

I get it. I love skibidi toilet and am excited for this franchise. I just hope that boomer Bay gets it. He's old. But Old Bay goes good with everything

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-08-03

The source material has little dialogue and many explosions, he is perfect for this. The only thing he's going to have to figure out is the sexy lady angle.

Mister Yuck - 2024-07-30

Glad to see David Wong is still at it.

casualcollapse - 2024-07-31

Yeah. Love him to death and always glad to see him on tt

ashtar. - 2024-07-31

Skibidi Toilet really kind of fell off once the toilets stopped singing the skibidi song as much. You barely hear it any more, let alone Everybody Wants to Rule the World.

Also, Michael Bay sucks. I still have a vivid memory of trying to watch Transformers 2 and getting physically ill from the editing.

BiggerJ - 2024-07-31

It was recently believed that Skibidy Toilet's creator sent a ceast and desist notice of the creator of GMod. This wasn't true.

It was Michael Bay's production company.

Gmork - 2024-07-31

5 for the brain worms and worst timeline allowing this to be possible.

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