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Comment count is 10
casualcollapse - 2024-07-18

I noticed that on Twitter and other social media people where gunning for Jack Black pretty hard, despite that he didn't say it. If things continued corporate entities would have gotten scared. If they went far enough, Universal Pictures may have announced that not only will Black not be Bowser in the next Super Mario movie, they are re-dubbing him for current digital release. Then there's Kung fu Panda. Despite a different country, look up Pierre Taki to see how far things can go.

Cena_mark - 2024-07-18

I think Jack Black's reaction was too much and in a way showing he's just covering his own ass. He should have just apologized for the band, said the joke was in poor taste, and moved on. Cancelling the entire tour screws the fans, musicians, and crew. The D was about rock. They were about having an offensive edge, hence the satan stuff. This also plays into the right-wing game plan where they can be as shitty as they want, but no one else dare make a joke. They joked about the attempt on the Pelosis. Kathy Griffin went the apologetic route and yet her career still died. Now she regrets apologizing.

Cena_mark - 2024-07-18

I looked up Pierre Taki. Totally different tale. Japan is ridiculous about drugs. They're like if Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign never became a joke. It's a nation of D.A.R.E. officers. The funny thing is that the actor's cocaine bust somehow made it shameful for him to play a Yakuza in a game.

scrungus - 2024-07-18

Kathy Griffin. Kyle Gass. coincidence!?

also, the fact that every single article has just called him "Jack Black's bandmate in Tenacious D" is punishment enough

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-18

The right are such fucking cry-bullies.

Cena_mark - 2024-07-18

That's a great way of putting it. People gotta stop giving in to them

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-18

"Oh no! The MAGA people won't buy tickets to our concerts."

Fucking GOOD, then!

Accidie - 2024-07-18

I was waiting for him to say something offensive or out of character.
Jack Black is a total loser and his cool card is revoked.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-19

I mean. To be fair. We shouldn't be shooting at Presidential candidates. Or encouraging it to keep happening. Or solving problems with, you know, GUNS. The guy shouldn't have even tried to bitch slap Trump.

But Jack Black's response almost sounds like he's cut ties with Kyle. It was poorly worded, at best. It also means Tenacious D can no longer been seen as edgy or cool. It also means that this timeline in general is even less cool on top of the prevalent lack of coolness.

And yes, if it had been some country singer making a remark about Brandon and target practice, Fox News would be going on 24/7 about the Left and Cancel Culture.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2024-07-19

I don't know what else we are supposed to do. Voting doesn't seem to be enough right now. There are some people in this world we can do without and Trump is one of them. I wouldn't have lost sleep if he was taken out of the picture. Granted, he is only a symptom of the entire cancer that is the right wing right now, but that would at least be a step in the right direction.

Some people you aren't going to be able to reason with, so what else do you do? He's dodged felonies. Courts have thrown out valid cases against him. His cult followers don't care. His party doesn't care. The media doesn't care. A majority of America doesn't care.

Not even some Democrats care enough to stop it.

There have been times in human history where we have come across people who couldn't be reasoned with and who couldn't be stopped, and we only had one course of action. Just saying.

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