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Comment count is 14
Nominal - 2024-07-21

Guns are for needle dicks.

Lef - 2024-07-21

Zardoz - The gun is good, the penis is evil


Crackersmack - 2024-07-21

These guys are one of the least political and most goofy, almost wholesome guntuber channels.

SolRo - 2024-07-21

Normalizing weapons of death and destruction as wholesome and goofy is probably part of Americas gun violence problem

Nominal - 2024-07-22

Normalizing needle dicks is also a problem.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-22

America's crime problem is directly caused by material conditions and has little or nothing to do with availability of guns.

SolRo - 2024-07-22

Explain the Vegas shooter pls thx

Crackersmack - 2024-07-22

Hoo boy that is certainly a rabbit hole to go down, but one of the plausible theories about what happened is related to the idea that Paddock had become addicted to video poker, liquidated his (considerable) assets in order to travel and play 24/7 while living off comps that casinos provide to high rollers, and had pissed away a substantial amount of his money and could see that the writing was on the wall. Another is that the shooting is somehow related to a Saudi crown prince that was staying nearby and that Paddock was 100% a patsy, killed and set up as a explanation for whatever actually occurred.

Nominal - 2024-07-23

Witnesses claim to have heard "Baba Booey!" right before the first shots.

Jeriko-1 - 2024-07-23

I'm actually uh... Man, I am not sure what to say. I guess I can start by saying that I'm not shedding tears for the creators that used Punisher skulls as their channel logos. I guess YouTube's decision to to 'adpocalypse' 2A content was the right decision for the wrong reason. A chud wore a shirt for a content creator when he tried to do the thing. It was then and only then the suits decided to drop the ( $ ) nuke on all '2A' creators. This was done completely as a knee-jerk CYA to protect from liability and make it look like they were doing something. But until this incident they completely didn't care about channels with Punisher skulls, lotsa guns and dogwhistles. They could have done something before. Instead of looking like they only acted because some kid wore a shirt to a crime.

Because now I have to say something that I feel icky saying: I run an urbex content channel. What I do isn't exactly 'legal' with levels of grey depending on who you ask. If let's say a child goes into a building, runs into police and the cops see his camera rig and fill him full of holes. And this makes national news. Urbex content could get smoked just as easy for 'making the platform look bad'.

So yeah, gun nuts are needle dicks. Bad. Deciding that a fucking T -shirt is when the shareholder gods need to lift their smiting fingers? Also bad.

Nominal - 2024-07-23

Has anyone found the Mimic cockroaches yet?

prang - 2024-07-25

People die doing urbex all the time, but can't remember the last time someone brought an abandoned building into a school to murder children.

badideasinaction - 2024-07-27

This adpocalypse complaint video is the last video *before* the the assassination attempt. It was just a grimly ironic video to have as their last uploaded before before it happened.

Some of the comments before aged like fine milk to the extent of:
"Dude, we just show lots of guns being fired and how much fun we're having, nobody is gonna do anything harmful"

badideasinaction - 2024-07-27

Addendum: those brave supporters of no censorship have deleted numerous comments. I guess YouTube should not censor them while also give them the right to censor things on YouTube. Strange how it seems to go both ways for them.

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