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Comment count is 43
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-13

Goddamn it.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-13

he's literally Hitler and will suspend the constitution and end democracy and elections in America so he can better serve his master Putin who wants to reconstruct the USSR because he is a communist BUT ALSO political violence is never justifiable and we wish him a speedy recovery and pray for his family and everybody at his rally

ashtar. - 2024-07-14

It is striking how rare integrity, defined as one's actions reflecting one's beliefs, is.

Like, just Aaron Bushnell.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-14

We are so used to all of these people being reprehensible hypocrites and smarmy liars that when somebody that is pure of heart and mind like Aaron does what he did it really stands in stark contrast to all that and reveals how deeply deeply evil it all is. He was a hero that we should all be grateful for.

duck&cover - 2024-07-14

Ha ha, orange retard Hitler! Maybe the next sniper will have better aim.

duck&cover - 2024-07-14

And if Biden had been wounded, you know Trump's supporters would be gloating.

Nominal - 2024-07-14

Why future hypotheticals? You only have to look at the reactions to Gabby Giffords and Paul Pelosi. Also Paul Gosar's murder cartoon of AOC. Reactions and fantasies perfectly in line with their long time rhetoric.

Doesn't matter how peaceful and humanitarian their opponents are, they'll always label them "the violent left" because someone cracked a Starbucks window somewhere.

Nominal - 2024-07-14

And now we'll have to see the motivation because the shooter was identified as a 20 year old registered republican, wearing the shirt of a radical militia group.

The proper reaction should be changing laws so that nobody should be allowed to own rapid fire rifles, let alone unhinged kids not old enough to drink.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-14

yes somehow Democrats will amend the constitution to do something that is extremely unpopular when they won't even use their majorities to pass popular legislation that makes their own self-preservation possible

Crackersmack - 2024-07-14

also Paul Pelsoi's victim defending himself and successfully escaping with his life when he was seconds away from being Ed Buck'd is a positive story not a negative one

Gmork - 2024-07-15

lots of those large truckbed-mounted flagpoles - with the BIG flags - in town today.

i keep my trips to the stores short.

casualcollapse - 2024-07-17


garcet71283 - 2024-07-14

Well, jackass with a rifle just made him president

Nominal - 2024-07-14

Bob Roberts

blase - 2024-07-14

Hmmm, maybe it was all staged so he can now play the Supreme Victim card? (Paraphrasing a typical QAnon line of thought)

Gunny McRifleson - 2024-07-14

I'm not so sure. Trump is pretty much maxed out in terms of support. This might mobilize his base somewhat, but I doubt anyone who hated Trump before will suddenly vote for him. Now combine that with the Left freaking out that this could hand Trump the win and I think it will mobilize Democrats and left-leaning Independents just as much. And the fact the shooter is a registered Republican will neuter any talk of "THE SAVAGE LEFT" or similar bullshit.

Nominal - 2024-07-14

The obvious truth will neuter any riled up talk that it was a leftist plot?

These people were calling January 6 a peaceful tourist group and the rioters were all secret FBI and ANTIFA plants.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-14

as of right now, the morning after some idiot missed his one shot at greatness, every member of Democratic Party leadership has posted more condolences and prayers for Trump's stupid ear wound than they have for the 200k Palestinians that they aided and abetted in murdering

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-14

The gunman was a registered Republican a few years out of high school who was wearing a pro-gun t-shirt.

In other news, we lost Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth. And now Shannen Doherty has just died.

SolRo - 2024-07-14

I was talking about it yesterday and said that all these good people dying on the same day and trump dodging a bullet is proof he must have sold his soul to the devil

duck&cover - 2024-07-15

Shannen Doherty? Good?

SolRo - 2024-07-15

Not on that day I was talking about it

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-14

The GOP will suddenly demand better gun control.

But they plan to apply it selectively.

they will take guns away from "leftists" and other "undesirables" who they say pose a threat to "America."

Not the nation of America, but a vague nebulous concept of "America" as they envision it.

I don't like guns. I would never own one. I think we need tighter restrictions on them.

But I know a lot of marginalized people and I want them to have the option of carrying a gun for their personal protection if they want it, even though I doubt its effectiveness as a sort of charm to ward off harm and evil.

It's not my call to make, it's theirs.

The gun rights promoters will tell you the nazis were able to take over Germany because there were strict gun laws in place and private citizens were unable to fight them off. While this is technically true, they always fail to mention the gun laws were selectively applied.

Guns were taken away from Jews, liberal, communists, certain other ethnic groups, etc. while the White Christian German citizens were allowed to keep thier. In other words, guns were left in the hands of people most likely to support the nazi cause and taken away from people most likely to oppose them.

We can probably expect to see a lot of Republicans support gun control after this. The Democrats will crow about this major "accomplishment" and we'll see lots of PR photos with big smiles and handshakes.

What we will also see is vulnerable people having their last line of defense taken away while fascists get to keep their deadly little toys.

Cena_mark - 2024-07-14

Gun control was always applied unevenly. Like how Reagan used it against the Black Panthers.

SolRo - 2024-07-14

Like how the NRA is always silent when a black gun owner gets victimized or killed by police

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-14

Trump is a sociopath, but he's still human.

Part of him wants to curl up in a ball and never set foot outside ever again.

Another part of him is an arrogant egotistical prick who wants his worshippers to se him as strong and unshakeable.

It's going to be fun and terrifying watching those two sides battle it out.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-15

It's like when Bush Jr. had the shoe thrown at him, but forty times worse.

Nominal - 2024-07-15

False flag operation.
Secret service refs looking the other way.
Hidden razor blade to self inflict bleeding.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-16

No, he really got shot at. Other people were hit. One of them died.

Trump was more likely struck by shattered glass than a bullet.


FOX News is already laying the groundwork for a "The Secret Service knew it was going to happen and let it happen." conspiracy.

So there's that.

If Trump wins, I'm sure he'll insist on having the taxpayers pay for private security from Academi or whatever Blackwater is calling itself these days.

TeenerTot - 2024-07-15

What made this kid so fucking broken inside at 20?

Crackersmack - 2024-07-15

yeah you can get a good scope for like $150 and if he actually watched that guntuber channel that he bought the t-shirt from he could learn how to zero it pretty easily, kids today do everything half assed

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-15

The same reason any young kid picks up a gun and goes on a rampage these days: infamy, and a dire need for attention he wasn't getting. He found himself drifting through young adulthood without any ambition or goals, and he decided that a solution to his problem was to go down in history as the guy who shot a Presidential front runner. If you want to be an influencer these days, it's the worst possible way to have CNN repeating your name throughout its 24 hour news cycle.

Nominal - 2024-07-15

He doesn't have a dead video site to devout way too much energy to being a shit.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2024-07-19

Kids these days amiright?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-15

Trump is literally not Hitler.

Gmork - 2024-07-15

Figuratively, however...

SolRo - 2024-07-15

Enthusiastically too

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-16

But he literally knows nothing about that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-16

Hitler did kill a a lot of people, more than Trump, certainly, but I believe that a significant plurality of Historians believe that, before Hitler killed all of those people, there was a period when he hadn;t dome that yet.

SolRo - 2024-07-17

In a theoretical trump term I predict he will enable and support Israel killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians (if not millions) and he will start a war with Iran which will lead to even more death and carnage

And that’s just the predictable stupid shit he will do

ashtar. - 2024-07-17

Sol: I will accept that there are legitimate reasons to prefer Biden to Trump. But, my brother, Biden is currently doing exactly the things you mention.

Nominal - 2024-07-17

Oh yeah? Well Biden will mix up a few more names!

Crackersmack - 2024-07-17

wait do you folks not acknowledge that Biden (or whoever is running his administration) actually has killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and has done about everything possible to start a war with Russia? or are we pretending that Biden's problems are just his advanced dementia

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