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Comment count is 8
SolRo - 2024-07-13

RLM has such a hard time not just shitting on the right wing whining about black and queer actors because “being gay is worse than bad writing and good writing doesn’t exist because a woman or a colored person has more agency than a white man.”

Nominal - 2024-07-13

No Star Wars anything should ever have the line "Those job skills weren't transferable. I needed a paycheck."

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-13

When asked why there weren't enough black people in Star Wars, Lucas should have stood up and done both parts of that Chasing Amy scene.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2024-07-13

Installing a channel blocker was a very good decision.

ashtar. - 2024-07-13

You know that news thing that came out a little into the Gaza war about the IDF unit that extracted semen from dead soldiers?

I feel like Disney Star Wars is a lot like that; just raw jerking off a corpse to see what little rancid drips you can still extract.

I made a decision a while ago to ignore anything related to a media franchise. Good decision.

betamaxed - 2024-07-17

Imagine being over 40 years old and having any opinion about a star war. Go on with your life and do something constructive for once. Old men should be tending gardens, doing carpentry, and hell even making pottery before whining about how kathleen kennedy has failed them again.

RLM created a fucking cottage industry of moronic dorks with cartoon avatars endlessly bitching about dumb children's entertainment. I'm struggling to think of anything more pathetic.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-19

Jesus Christ.

Anaxagoras - 2024-07-20

Huh? I don't get the hubbub over this review. RLM is dead right... the show was mediocre at best, and only got praise because it ticked off some identity politics boxes.

I mean, I support the boxes that were ticked off. Female-centric cast? Great! Lots of minorities? Awesome! Now go make a good show with those elements! Oh.... you made that piece of crap? How unfortunate.

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