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Comment count is 11
duck&cover - 2024-07-12

"Eat fresh!"

Cena_mark - 2024-07-12

He doesn't chastize the predators for their behavior, just for getting caught.

Nominal - 2024-07-12

He began and ended his Subway career for the same reason: trying to fit into smaller pants.

BiggerJ - 2024-07-12

...Holy SHIT.

Nominal - 2024-07-12

Actually now that I think about it, I think I heard that joke from here.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-12

I haven't had cable in years. Does VH1 still do the thing of random famous people commenting on a thing?

Also, fun fact, they cut the rest of what Jared said. "I mean, they don't even think about going to Thailand, or just staying at home with videos of naked children on their computers, where they'll never get caught."

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-12

>>>Does VH1 still do the thing of random famous people commenting on a thing?

I myself am not aware if VH1 is still doing VH1, but everyione does random celebrities commenting on things now. George Clooney may have just picked our president.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-12

I am going to be very depressed if/when "I Love 2010" premieres.

Gunny McRifleson - 2024-07-12

Nah, VH1 shows basically NOTHING but Basketball Wives. TruTV had a series of shows with "famous celebrities" and comedians goofing on YouTube videos ("World's Dumbest...") in the early 2010's, but that ran its course as well.

Nominal - 2024-07-12


Quad9Damage - 2024-07-15

Was this before or after his charity director got busted? I can't think of any other reason why VH1 wanted to ask the commercial sandwich guy, of all people, for his input on predator sting operations on television, of all things.

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