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Comment count is 13
Nominal - 2024-07-07

That is, the court gave itself a line item veto to determine which presidents are kings and free to commit all crimes. They threw in the "unofficial acts aren't immune" part without giving any defining examples.

That was both to provide the illusion that they didn't grant TOTAL immunity, and to ensure that no democratic president can ever use these unfettered powers. Any democrat acts that reach them will be deemed "unofficial", while anything Trump or MAGA will be deemed "official". There will be no consistent reasoning to differentiate the two. They will just make up whatever they want out of nothing, just like they did with this decision.

There really needs to be some kind of circuit court override against supreme court rulings, the same way legislations can override executive vetoes.

Robin Kestrel - 2024-07-07

^ this. They may as well have said “note: only applies to Republicans”. It’s so transparent.

SolRo - 2024-07-07

Need term limits on scotus and clear cut anti corruption laws to remove them

Nominal - 2024-07-08

Or charges of perjury when they blatantly go against what they claimed during their confirmation hearing. Alito, Roberts, and Kavanaugh each specifically claimed that no one is above the law when it came to presidents.

Nominal - 2024-07-08

The supreme court is also one of things that serves no purpose any more due to modern technology. You could have a giant national legal body that hears all cases. Instead of fewer than 10 people with lifetime appointments in D.C. deciding everything by fiat, you have a group of hundreds of constitutional law experts around the country review cases and vote on them. Said body also screens new members the same way every other democracy chooses its judges; ONE executive selecting them (and senate confirming them) has got to go.

In fact, the senate itself needs to go too. It was a terrible idea even in 1789 and only got worse as time went on. At the very least, turn it into the House of Lords with advisory powers only.

Will never happen thanks to the constitution being nearly impossible to amend. Well, except for the supreme court who can amend it at will. A terribly designed institution that chugged along for 200+ years with only the promise of good will to keep it from breaking down.

exy - 2024-07-08


I think his "in the top 5 worst SC decisions ever" is pretty conservative. Top 3? Top 1?

ashtar. - 2024-07-09

The court has just made it OK for Brandon to drone strike the justices' homes.

Nominal - 2024-07-09

Definitely top 3. Potentially top 1.

You could play devil's advocate and try to explain away Dred Scott as being consistent with the constitution as is since the thing allowed slavery at the time. This case makes up things that aren't there and blatantly goes against things that are.

The other top 5 worst cases could also have been reversed in the future. None of them set up dictatorships and court fiat rule to snuff out democracy.

I forget if this particular video mentioned it, but the other terrible news about this decision is how it cripples any prosecution even for acts deemed unofficial. Nothing remotely "official" is even allowed to be used as evidence in prosecution, neither can motive. This sets up something like the hush money trial to fail. Even if the deal was made while he was still just a candidate, they can just claim the check was made in the white house and thus "official" and inadmissible.

Nominal - 2024-07-07

The only downside dowstroyer666 sees to kissing Trump's ring is that it's not his cock.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-07

This reminds me of most workplaces I've been in when every department manager knows there's one department manager who is an absolute monster but circles the wagons to protect them when they do wrong because if that guy can go down, THEY can go down because they've all done something monstrous at some point.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-09

Why are we pretending like Trump wasn't already in office for four years?

Trump pretty much just delegated everything to his cabinet and played golf during his term. He started zero wars and showed mostly isolationist tendencies in foreign policy. He cut taxes in a typical GOP way and then took credit for a roaring economy. I see no reason to think he will do otherwise in a second term. He can't be both an idiot and a mastermind dictator.

You don't like the SCOTUS? Well you're voting for people that have the most extreme and maximalist interpretation of SCOTUS power. You're voting for Amy Comey Barret to be on the court for 40 more years. That is a policy choice made by the people that you vote for.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-12

>>>You're voting for Amy Comey Barret to be on the court for 40 more years. That is a policy choice made by the people that you vote for.

I've got 3 dollars that says that Crackersmack is talking about the Democrats.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-12

This video is not intended as a substitute for legal advice, e.g., paying a lawyer to tell you you're fucked.

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