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Comment count is 16
casualcollapse - 2024-07-03

I'm not gonna give them the money for the views

Cena_mark - 2024-07-03

I think it's okay watch on youtube just not on Twitter

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-03

I swear to God, they did this on "Family Guy" already.

It was supposed to be a modern reboot of "All in the Family."

It even looks identical.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

The proves that you really COULD make Blazing Saddles today, as long as the white racists got equal time.

I've been hearing a lot lately about how you couldn't make Blazing Saddles any more, and I honestly can't think of anything that would be objectionable about it, except the use of the N Word every three minutes. When white people on facebook talk about how much more "civil" things were back then, does "civil" mean "I could say 'nigger' without feeling like people were judging me"?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

It looks like Flashtub.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-03

The real reason you couldn't make "Blazing Saddles" today is because White racists are way too fragile.

But I do think we're going to need another spoof of the "Hollywood Western" genre pretty soon.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-04

Imagine if Blazing Saddles came out now, and was being reviewed by Ben Shapiro.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-07-04

Fuck you for putting that into my head.

I can already hear his shitty voice just yapping like a Pomeranian in a high school debate club.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-12

The reason they say you can't remake Blazing Saddles today is because of angry Tweet chains, and the kind of clickbait that has "We Need to Talk About..." in the title. The reason is fear of the kind of social media leftists who share, "Using racism to make fun of racism is still racism." A favorite talking point of Saint Anita's.

Which is to say, you CAN remake Blazing Saddles today because those people don't run the goddamned universe to the point where it requires paving over the entire U.S. government. But then you would run into another problem, of course, where you have the clip of Ben Shapiro looking smugly rat-like every time the movie makes fun of ignorant crackers. But you also really shouldn't remake Blazing Saddles because fuck remakes. Please stop trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice. For God's sake, just watch the bottled lightning that's already burned onto a disc.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-03

The first time I saw the title, I thought it had something to do with Norm Macdonald and an AI voice generator.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

I thought something similar. Clearly that would have been far worse, unless it would have been not as bad. It's a case of poison apples and agent orange.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-12

The only way it would work is if it were a version of the moth joke. "So, ah, my daughter's new boyfriend comes over, and, ah, his name is Chaz..." And it goes on for at least 20 minutes and eventually leads into nothing.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-03

A laugh track in an animated sitcom. They really are turning things back to the good ol' days.

blase - 2024-07-03

When AI phones it all in

Nominal - 2024-07-03

An even weaker and whinier version of Last Man Standing.

Quad9Damage - 2024-09-01

I keep coming back to this because there's so much wrong with it. My latest grievance is simply that All in the Family is old. It is so old that is almost ancient pop culture history by now. I get that it was influential, and that these people think Archie Bunker was meant to be a hero. But there's a reason nobody spoofs I Love Lucy or Carmen Miranda anymore. Because those are old references. If you are making your entire show a parody of All in the Family to prove your point, that can mean only one thing that makes logical sense: that you are very, very old, and the audience you're appealing to is very old and close to death.

The other issue is that for all this talk about comedy being dead or America not being allowed to laugh anymore, I don't remember many shows/movies I grew up with making court jesters out of their grievances like this. Even if the humor skewed toward blue with race or gender or whatever, it was to prove a more progressive point. The seventies were leaving Archie Bunker behind. Blazing Saddles made fun of racism and romanticizing a bygone era. Tropic Thunder poked at Hollywood greed and arrogance.

The only point behind the Chaz character is they are mad at lgbt and think the virus was bullshit. That's IT. That's the JOKE.

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