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Comment count is 85
Crackersmack - 2024-06-28

I was surprised that first question was about something actually important and consequential (housing costs) and I was not surprised that Biden's answer was basically "everything's fine"

glasseye - 2024-06-28

His landlord buddies are getting rich. Therefore, there is no problem.

Nominal - 2024-06-28

Trump: open fascist wishing to violently destroy democracy
Biden: hoarse voice and a few grandpa moments

Crackersmack - 2024-06-28

Well there's also all the unaddressed domestic crises, and the genocide, and the whole 'trying to start a war with Russia' thing.

And that's before we even get to how Biden clearly, clearly is not making any kind of executive decisions in his condition. So you are asking people to basically mobilize in support of the out-of-touch, millionaire, zionist Democratic Party leadership continuing to run a presidential administration by consensus. And your argument is "Trump bangs hookers and says rude things"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

>>> And your argument is "Trump bangs hookers and says rude things"

"Democrats support abortion in the fourth trimester." isn't rude." It's absurd.

Listen Crackersmack, you lying sack of stinking guts, you human collostomy bag. I know you're dumber than a French Bulldog. so I can see how you were confused, but I didn't mean to give you the impression that I have a problem with rudeness. Now lick my asshole, but don't forget to brush your teeth first.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

Does anyone remember the time Trump picked a twitter fight with the mayor of London, who was trying to communicate with his people after a terrorist attack? Another once unthinkable incident that is now normal enough that no one seems to remember it.

So yeah, Fudgepackersnack. I suppose the issue rudeness of has come up. This is who Americans choose for their cult of personality?

It won't last. Not forever, anyway. The good news is that the historical record is out there, on the internet, in every country. They were able to decieve their cult members, but future historians will see the records. They're going to read the Mueller Report, and not just Trump's tweets about it. This election will determine whether the MAGAs are remembered as clowns, or monsters

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

>>>Biden clearly, clearly is not making any kind of executive decisions in his condition.

which, once again, is a man with lifetime of stuttering... stuttering.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-28

I agree that it's absurd to say that Democrats support abortion since they allowed Roe to get overturned while they had congressional majorities and they had no legislative response.

ashtar. - 2024-06-28

Maybe if centrist Democracts had not, for years, reacted to legitimate criticism of Biden's obvious unfitness with defensive vitriol and tribalism, we would not be in the position we're in now.

Centrist neoliberals have virtually ensured a second Trump presidency, and are still trying to be like "oh if you don't support what we're doing you must love Trump." It's... astounding.

Let's make sure to learn nothing from this and do exactly the same thing with the same team next time.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

>>>Maybe if centrist Democracts had not, for years, reacted to legitimate criticism of Biden's obvious unfitness with defensive vitriol and tribalism,

When I call you an asshole, Ishtar, it's because you're an asshole.

ashtar. - 2024-06-29

You couldn't plan a more effective strategy to get Trump a second term than making Biden the opposition. Congratulations on playing your part on ensuring Trump #47, hope you're proud.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-29

Seems like we really really should have had a primary, especially considering that Biden all but promised to be a one term president. But like I said; having a brain dead figurehead at the front of the party frees up the actual decisionmakers to enrich themselves without any of the scrutiny.

Gmork - 2024-06-29

every dumb cunt on planet earth right now pretending project2025 isn't a big deal and won't be different than any other election.

the contant lying to themselves about eVeRy ElEcTiOn iS lIkE tHiS speaks more to their ignorance about project2025's aims and newfound support and ability to succeed. it started in the 80's, and now the religious right have come full circle and have never been in a position like this before, fully able to enact it if trump wins.

we're already absolutely fucking screwed after the chevron decision, basically at this point I'm not sure what is even possible to claw back power, unless EVERY LOCAL POLITICIAN AND EVERY STATE REP is flipped, but obviously that is only useful to avoid project2025, enabling current dem trajectory in the longterm is also harmful considering they're bought with AIPAC money and the extreme right wing influence of israel is exactly the kind of world that's compatible with the heritage foundation's goals.

in either case, extreme rightoids get something they want. a non trump term is the only way to avoid project2025 and scotus appointments that will haunt us for the rest of our short existence and invariably doom any climate action.

learn to shoot and forage.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

>>>You couldn't plan a more effective strategy to get Trump a second term than making Biden the opposition. Congratulations on playing your part on ensuring Trump #47, hope you're proud.

LOLWUT? Have you mistaken me for George Soros?

I was not in the room where it happened. I was not consulted.

I voted for the nominee. I have voted straight Democrat since my first vote, for Jimmy Carter, in 1976. As a matter of fact, I AM proud of that.

Biden is the guy who actually did beat Trump. Trump is back because the Republicans are in a cult, and apparently it's one of those cults like heavan's gate, where you get voluntarily castrated.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-04

>>>I agree that it's absurd to say that Democrats support abortion since they allowed Roe to get overturned while they had congressional majorities and they had no legislative response.

But you DON'T agree that fourth trimester abortion is relatively rare?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

Trump lied in a dull monotone, like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. He talked about immigration being a deliberate plot by Joe Biden, emptying forein jails to destroy America. He talked about how all legal scholars on both sides had been urging the overturning of Roe for all these years. Then he pretended to be a moderate on abortion opposing a nationwide ban, and then, once again, he told us that Democrats support abortion... AFTER BIRTH. No one asked challenged him on this, or asked what the fuck he was talking about, because I would sincerely want to know.

But this is all normal now. No one notices. What blows everybody's mind is when the guy with a lifteime of problems with stuttering... stutters!

glasseye - 2024-06-28

Oh come on. Even the most die-hard genocide enthusiast should be able to recognize that his performance was beyond simple stuttering. He's 81 fucking years old.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

I'm just not a big fan of the firehose. Trump lied more times than he took a breath. Politicians have always been full of shit, but no one has lied like this guy has. Not at this level.

Please keep pretending that you care about genocide. Trumpism is giving every corrupt authoritarian permission not to care about the truth, and you better believe that includes Israel. Bibi just needs to hold out until november, and that's when we'll see PEACE IN OUR TIME.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

I mean he did look terrible. If you care more about appearances than about the cynical undermining of the very idea of reality, and the rise of "alternative facts", well congratulations, looks like everything's coming up glasseye.

glasseye - 2024-06-28

My reply was about Biden, not Trump.

I care about genocide very much, which is why I oppose both Biden and Trump.

glasseye - 2024-06-28

I'd encourage you to stop letting your hatred of Trump (who is objectively awful) blind you to Biden's utter failure of a presidency, but it's your life. If you want to ensure another second Trump term, that's your choice.

glasseye - 2024-06-28

But seriously, what is it with you? Why do you always equate any criticism of Biden with assumed love of Trump? This is a clear logical fallacy and just fucking stupid.

Why is it so hard for folks like you to understand that some people who don't like Biden also don't like Trump?

And by "some people" I mean about a third of eligible voters.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

To anyone that I actually want to talk to, I know that is it is more than stuttering, but I maintain it is far less than Trump just not giving a fuck about the truth. Nobody was shocked at the fourth trimester abortion story. It's just normal now. And if you think my outrage is performative, that's not how it feels to me.

I would very much support replacing Biden with Kamala Harris at this point. Which is being discussed, on TV anyway. Like I said last time, I'm all in for the nominee. If that's Biden, I'm all in. But if we could run Harris, a woman of color, against Trump. It would be like running a candidate made of entirely of garlic in a national race against Dracula. I would also be all in for that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

>>>But seriously, what is it with you? Why do you always equate any criticism of Biden with assumed love of Trump? This is a clear logical fallacy and just fucking stupid.

says the person who implied that I was fan of genocide.

All bad faith criticism goes in the same hole, and believe me, there are some belligerent leftists in there. It would be a logical fallacy for me to believe that there's any good reason for me to worry about telling them apart.

>>>I care about genocide very much, which is why I oppose both Biden and Trump.

Could everybody be a witness to me NOT asking them to elaborate? It's just a shame that asteroid missed us.

Gmork - 2024-06-29

"genocide enthusiast"

so you think trump is anti genocide?

how incredibly dishonest of you.

"finish the job" fell out of your brain apparently. inconvenient to remember I suppose

Gmork - 2024-06-29

you're directly implying that we should avoid biden to avoid a genocide, which is literally not possible because trump is even more pro genocide. this isn't an election where picking a president can stop the genocide.

however this is an election where picking the wrong president not only increases the atrocities but will come with an added layer of packing the entire federal government with far right extremist loyalists to trump.

if you can't genuinely understand why that's worse for gaza, you don't give a fuck about it, clearly.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

We already know that they're going to shoot rubber bullets at protesting grandmas, and snatch people off the street into unmarked vans.

Crackersmack - 2024-07-01

"vote in support of the current genocide to avoid the hypothetical future genocide that might be worse"

glasseye - 2024-06-28

But sure, keep popping bottles next to your concentration camps full of migrants, while treading upon thousands of murdered Palestinian children. I'm sure your cries of "BUH ORANGE MAN BAD" will make their families feel no more pain.

glasseye - 2024-06-28

This was meant to be a reply to genocide enjoyer JHM.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

Okay, WOW!

ORANGE MAN BAD sure is something I associate with Trump supporters! I can see that this was time well spent.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

>>>And yes, this was the Democrats' strategy all along; let the GOP become a real existential threat so we would have no choice but to vote for whatever shitball candidates the Democrats threw out there, but it was sadly effective.

Oh, fuck you.
Once again, we have figured out a paranoid fantasy to explain why the Democrats are responsible for the Republicans being the way they are. The Republicans are fascists because the Democrats LET them be fascists. They're the puppet masters. It's all according to their fiendish plan, outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Delaware.

Gmork - 2024-06-29

how does this make any sense, glasseye, considering the right and trump's record on both of those issues?

absolute brainrot rhetoric.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-06-29

The best we can do is make sure people understand how much more vulnerable groups will suffer under Trump.

True, the Democrats will stand idly by and le people suffer, but the GOP will aggressively ensure people suffer.

And the Democrats will at least allow people to help other people. The GOP will outlaw everything other than Christian faith-based charity.

Hard-won civil rights will be rolled back. Same-sex marriage will be outlawed. Women's reproductive rights will become non-existent. Homelessness will be further criminalized.

All this will be fought in the courts, but striking it down will take years and much damage will be done.

A Trump victory won't be the death of democracy because democracy died in this country long ago. What this will be is the rebirth of fascism.

And yes, this was the Democrats' strategy all along; let the GOP become a real existential threat so we would have no choice but to vote for whatever shitball candidates the Democrats threw out there, but it was sadly effective.

Let's get this dumpster fire contained and work on building back from the ground up.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-29

Roe got overturned while Biden was president and while Democrats held both houses of congress. They chose not to pass legislation to protect abortion rights, and to collect a windfall in donations instead.

This housing crisis, the most severe in American history, similarly was in full force while Democrats had congressional majorities for the first half of Bidens term. 650k Americans sleep on the street every night.

Is it out of the question to expect Democrats to treat the most severe housing crisis in American history as if it was more important than acquiring bombs for Israel to kill children with?

Are voters out of line for expecting something, anything to be done about the most severe drug crisis in American history? If 1/3rd of the resources and effort put into arming Ukrainian nazis was put into the massive, extreme housing crisis in America that would amount to one billion dollars in public housing for every state in America.

That's a wild thing to suggest tho, isn't it? That the government respond to homeless Americans with permanent public housing? That's how far the overton window has shifted thanks to fucking idiot morons like all of you guys that vote for this shit. You're worse than Republicans.

Gunny McRifleson - 2024-06-29

"The best we can do is make sure people understand how much more vulnerable groups will suffer under Trump."

Who are these undecideds that you believe exist. People KNOW. They'll either support it or not. No one voting for Trump gives a shit about marginalized groups. Its astounding to me that in 2024 that Democrats STILL hold out this naive belief that "if people just KNEW how evil Trump is, they'll vote for Biden!" That's WHY they're voting for him.

Democrats had 2 ways to approach this:

1. Point out Trump's many failures (COVID-19, Foreign Policy, "protective tariffs" hurting farmers and domestic industry) to sway a small (but key) amount of Independents and Moderate Republicans while touting the substantive successes Biden's had (Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, navigating COVID, holding the line in Ukraine, appointing Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson)

2. Motivate the Democratic Base to come out and vote aside from "Hey! At least we're not Trump!"

They've failed on both counts both Thursday night and in general.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

But you're worse than EVERYBODY, Peckersmash!

What you are clumsily alluding to is the corrupting influence of money, which, thanks to the conservative supreme court, is constitutionally protected, and insures that, no matter what happens, or who makes it happen, the rich always get to wet their beaks. Obamacare didn't start out as a boondoggle for insurance companies, but it ended up that way.

We have a conservative supermajority on the court. You want to go for a conservative super-duper majority, it won't help/

Crackersmack - 2024-06-30

The current makeup of the SCOTUS is a policy choice that is made by the executive branch. There are numerous legal methods available to reform the openly corrupt SCOTUS. The people that you vote for choose to act as if these methods do not exist, and they choose to pretend that we are stuck with this court as it is, for decades and decades into the future.

Again, if the SCOTUS is important to you, voting for Democrats is flat out insanity. They are the faction with the most extreme and severe interpretation of SCOTUS power. Absolutely nothing in the constitution (or in legislation passed since the constitution was ratified) forces us to treat the SCOTUS as untouchable. Justices can be impeached. The president can appoint an unlimited number of justices. All of these things are possible and necessary. Even if the next four terms have Democratic presidents and Democratic senate majorities you will not be able to build a court that respects normal modern American values. You lost that game already, years ago. If you don't want this to get worse you need to elect people that will decide to not let it get worse.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-06-29

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Gmork - 2024-06-29

retard zionist cunt

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-06-29

wow rude

ashtar. - 2024-06-29

I may disagree with your Peter Griffin smoking a blunt DUBSTEP ascii shitpost, but I'll defend to the death your right to post it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

How did you get a picture of my tattoo?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

>>>And yes, this was the Democrats' strategy all along; let the GOP become a real existential threat so we would have no choice but to vote for whatever shitball candidates the Democrats threw out there, but it was sadly effective.

Just as it was outlined in the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF DELAWARE.

ashtar. - 2024-06-29


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

My point is that, again and again, we get these weird conspiracies and convoluted psychological theories that are meant to explain how Democrats are responsible for the Republicans, until it all becomes part of the Democrats plan. Because they're really manipulating the Republicans into maybe destroying everything so they can keep helping the genocide. To be fair, it usually stops before the Jewish Banking concerns come up.

There are some Joe Manchin types who are probably playing both sides, but the Republicans are responsible for the Republicans, because, duh.

Here's the thing, Ishtar.

Biden won the debate. If you read the comments in all these panic videos, it's starting to become apparent that the support for Biden remains solid, and some people have decided to get involved. Anecdotally, my response to this event was to decide to send Joe some money.

You are free to disagree, and since you're an idiot, I'm sort of counting on it. However, to those of us in the reality-based community, there is no lower bar to clear than running against a man ranting about fourth term abortions. If Biden had forgotten to wear pants, he would have cleared it.

Still, if they could put Harris in, without too much disorder, I think that might be preferable. It's not my call.

ashtar. - 2024-06-29

"Biden won the debate."

He did not. lol at "reality based community"

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-trump-june-debate-p oll/

"By this metric, Biden turned in the worst debate performance of the cycle (worse than any of the Republican presidential candidates did in any primary debates). On average, he received a performance score of 1.99 out of 5, which was also even worse than his already-low expectations score of 2.62 out of 5 among the same respondents.
Trump, meanwhile, slightly outperformed his expectations. Going into the debate, he had an expectations score of 3.00 out of 5, on average, among likely voters who eventually watched the debate. Those same voters gave him a performance grade of 3.04 out of 5 — so not great, but not bad either."

Emperor's New Clothes-ing this because of tribalist Manichaeism will make Trump president again.

ashtar. - 2024-06-29

"Anecdotally, my response to this event was to decide to send Joe some money."


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

When Prophecy fails? What fucking prophecy? What in the fuck are you talking about? When I think of 538, I think of the moment on election night 2016, when, right in Front of my eyes, 538 took its prediction of 90 per cent odds of a Clinton victory, 10 per cent Trump, and abruptly flipped it.

There is no future-predicting technology, not even AI. I remember when Trump won in 16, the MAGAMINDS were all taking about how the media had lied, as if they knew all along what would happen, but they didn't. All prophecies fail as prophecies. Some succeed as educated guesses. Neither one of us know who's going to win. He lost in 2020, but if he had won, Crackersmack would have posted ten hour laughtrack, and pretended he knew all along who would win, but he wouldn't have known, and he doesn't know this time.

We all remember when you and Sugarsmacks offered the same troll four years ago. It's just a shuck and a jive, and you're a jive turkey.

Just as the republicans are responsible for the Republicans, If Trump wins, it will be because of the people who voted for him. Ishtar, you're far too talented a troll to keep falling back on this tired tik tok song and dance about how I'm going to get Trump reelected by supporting the guy who is running against him. Do better.

ashtar. - 2024-06-29

Being part of the reality based community means answering empirical questions empirically. The point of a debate is to convince people; if viewers think you lost, you lost. Viewers think Biden lost.

"When Prophecy Fails" is a landmark study on cognitive dissonance, and how people locked into a cultish belief system will, when faced with undeniable empirical reality counter to their belief system, will mostly double down rather than abandoning their belief system. The point intended was that if you watched the debate and thought Joe won, you're UFO cult levels of delusional. US politics has become a contest between two such groups.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-29

I know what it is, Doctor Peterson. I probably saw the same youtube video you did.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

I guess it all depends on how concerned you are about the too seldom discussed, , shameful crime against humanity that is fourth trimester abortion.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

>>>lol at "reality

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30


It really does, doesn't it?. It's not mine. I totally stole that from someone in here. I wish I could remember who.

ashtar. - 2024-06-30

>>"I guess it all depends on how concerned you are about the too seldom discussed, , shameful crime against humanity that is fourth trimester abortion"

So, the first trimester is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between the doctor and an extreme situation. And a third time is between the doctor – I mean, it’d be between the woman and the state.

What's the fourth trimester?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

Don't ask me. MAGA MAGOO doubled down on previous claims that the Democrats want to abort babies after they had been born. I don't know what it means, either, but Trump said it, and you can

(Insert Wonka Meme here.)

Or did I dream that? I don't think I did, but if you want to check, I wouldn't blame you, If I'm wrong, I need to know, and I know that I can trust you to break the news to me sensitively and diplomatically.

decoy - 2024-06-29

Allan Lichtman, Harvard Ph.D. and creator of the predictive system "Keys to the White House," having correctly predicted the outcomes of all US presidential elections since 1984, says this debate debacle makes no difference and "the keys" are still firmly with Biden for the win: https://youtube.com/shorts/A7y5ALY7UvA?si=XyjCoOWi9God70PW

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-04

I really think perspective will set in. Seriously, I am sending money to the campaign right now. I think Kamala Harris would skullfuck the old buzzard. Biden should be made secretry of whatever the hell he wants.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

The polls differ, but I totally think he won. Im not trying to convince anyone else.

Biden looks more and more badass as you watch the video. If you watch it with any degree of attention, you can see that he's sputtering with rage at this puffed up golem of Lies, B.O. and more Lies, who has been shitting on him for years, as he tries to craft a two minute, medically accurate reply to the Fourth Trimester Aborttion Conundrum.. The LOOK Biden gives Trump! It's so beautiful! Im making it my Discord Avatar.

At this point, I really do love Joe Biden, like I love my 88 year old Dad, Willie Nelson, America, and the Rolling Stones. I know he's got tons of baggage. You can stop telling me what I already know any time you like, or not, as you prefer. Crackersmack has posted quotes from Biden about school bussing that date to before Kiss released their first live album.

ashtar. - 2024-06-30

To quote a tweet summarizing what normal people see when they look at Biden:

"This mf on 1 hp"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

Promise me that you'll never ever tell me whatever the fuck you mean by that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

I apologize for giving this video 1 star. It didn't deserve that. I was annoyed at someone else. This has been an emotional roller coaster.

I mean, fourth trimester abortion. Holy fucking shit. There are more, to be sure, but that will always be my favorite, though I'm sure he'll top it before Labor Day, after months of doubling down.

I hope that Biden, who is the only one who can make this decision, takes a moment to consider passing the nomination to Kamala. In the post-Roe landscape, I think that could be a real statesman's move. Running a woman of color against MAGA MAGOO would be like running a a candidate entirely made of garlic, in a national race against Dracula. I hope this isn't racist, but there are an estimated 67 million women of color in this country, and it is my belief, which may not be true, that around 57 million of them could easily take all this air out of this unnatural gasbag. Kamala seems like the obvious choice, followed, of course, by Omorosa.

To an old white man, this seems risky, but I can't be the only one who has noticed that, since 2000, Democrats have won 100 per cent of races with a person of color on the ticket, and they have lost 100 per cent of races without a person of color on the ticket. This would be a smart move in the first post Roe election, and cmon, let's consider the revenge angle. The MAGA MAGOOS would never stop shitting their pants.

Obviously he would get a cabinet post, and maybe Kamala will be smarter than Hillary, and give Bernie Sanders a seat at the table. Without a real left, the center becomes the left, and the right becomes the center.

Quad9Damage - 2024-06-30

This response flabbergasted me when I saw it. I thought Biden had done mostly alright except for some stuttering and anxiety. At the very least, a person who is barely cognizant wouldn't react with the degree of sheer horror the way Biden did almost the entire time. Trump bullshat his way through that whole thing. The partial birth abortion scenario was only the beginning. His comments about NATO and Putin almost made me sick. He completely dodged the questions about January 6 and whether he would peacefully concede this time. He answered every other question with, "But what about the MEXICANS?"

Could Biden have done better, though? Absolutely. I think a lot of viewers saw themselves onstage in place of Joe, deflecting Trump's ad hominem attacks with the simplest rebuttals. "Sir, my son is not a Presidential frontrunner." "Worst in the HISTORY of our country? Well, we call that hyperbole." "Setting some downtown buildings on fire is not the same as storming a building when all of Congress is inside." "They were out there threatening to lynch your own Vice President." "First of all, the question was not about Mexicans." "First of all, that question was not about Mexicans, either." "That's not how NATO is funded." "Putin just formed a military alliance with North Korea." "Did you just admit you and Putin had some kind of agreement regarding Ukraine?"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

>>>Being part of the reality based community means answering empirical questions empirically. The point of a debate is to convince people; if viewers think you lost, you lost. Being part of the reality based community means answering empirical questions empirically. The point of a debate is to convince people; if viewers think you lost, you lost. Viewers think Biden lost.

So, you've cleverly offered empirical evidence that perception is reality? Nice!

>>>The point of a debate is to convince people; if viewers think you lost, you lost.

Since what "viewers" believe is what defines "Biden lost", "Viewers think Biden lost" means what follows is that "viewers" believe that "viewers" believe that "viewers" believe that Biden lost, etc.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-30

If you don't know the source of the quote "reality-based community, you might look it up, it's pretty relevant.

ashtar. - 2024-06-30


I'm worried about you, JHM. Do you have someone looking in on you?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

So, that kind of hurt.

Which makes me wonder why you're trying to hurt me.

Is it for the Palestinians?

You clearly don't give a fuck.

And I do.

So I guess you win.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

>>>I'm worried about you, JHM. Do you have someone looking in on you?

You should be worried about me, because Medicaid pays someone to look in on me, you black-hearted bastard.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

To be clear, as someone who is past 65 with mental health issues, I no longer have anything of value to offer capitalism, my whole life is part of the administrative state that the heritage foundation wants to dismantle.

If I thought that becoming homeless, living out of garbage cans, and not taking my medication would save some children in Gaza, I would have to think about that , but no one, not even Ishtar or Tallywhack have suggested that.

>>>I care about genocide very much, which is why I oppose both Biden and Trump.

These are the words of someone with no skin in the game, or who thinks they have no skin in the game, or who has skin in the game that they don't want us to know about.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

Last night, I was depressed, because after walking about a mile and a half through the food desert that I was forced to relocate to, I found that the supermarket was closed, even though the sign said it was supposed to be open to midnight, and needed cat food.

On the way back I stopped at three convenience stores before I bought three cans of Friskies for roughly 2 and half times what it would have cost me. It turned out I didn't have enough on my debit card, so I had to dip into the money I had set aside for laundry. I got home with my three cans of Friskies two and a half hours later, when I read that Ishtar had been worried about me.
Successful Troll was finally successful. I wished that I dead. Congratulations, asstard.

Let's not overlook the sheer Doctor Jordan Balloonjuice Peterson Sophistry of giving me google search results of poll numbers, which is opinions, processed by multiple commercial entities, arranged by an algorthm for MAXIMUM ENGAGEMENT, and calling it " empirical facts".

You want to know what an empirical fact looks like, asstard?


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

One thing that makes me feel better this morning is the epiphany that "ashtar" sounds like "asstard". That is NEVER going to get old!

Good luck trying to get an insulting nickname out of "John Holmes Motherfucker",asstard!

Crackersmack - 2024-07-01

John how are you not more radicalized by these conditions? Surely you're smart enough to realize that 1. previous generations of impoverished Americans had many more resources available to them and 2. taking these away has been a bipartisan project

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

>>>John how are you not more radicalized by these conditions?

I'm more radical than you think, but I'm not stupid. Like I've been saying, apparently to the no one, the extreme right kept coming back to the GOP, and now they're the Republican establishment.

The Left, when they don't get Benie on the ticket, behaved like petulnt children online, insulted older Democrats, and then fucked off to vote for Ralph Nader and Jill Stein. In 2016, ccording to exit polls, 1 out of te 10 bernie supporters voted for Trump. Like I keep saying, the policies are the left are practical and popular, but the way to do politics is with politics.

I am not pro-gun control, because it's clearly a buzzsaw that we keep marching into I don't like guns, nut what have we accomplished, other than getting Alito on the supreme court? If Trump gets in, I'm going to want those secnd amendment rights.

>>>1. previous generations of impoverished Americans had many more resources available to them and

Really? But I have a computer...

2. taking these away has been a bipartisan project

Seriously? Do they not teach Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Clown College anymore?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

Regarding the poll saying that 70 per cent think Biden should step aside, well, poll numbers like this are deceptive, because they represent a wide range, from hard right republicans to people like this wholesome young american:

>>>I hope that Biden, who is the only one who can make this decision, takes a moment to consider passing the nomination to Kamala. In the post-Roe landscape, I think that could be a real statesman's move. Running a woman of color against MAGA MAGOO would be like running a a candidate entirely made of garlic, in a national race against Dracula. I hope this isn't racist, but there are an estimated 67 million women of color in this country, and it is my belief, which may not be true, that around 57 million of them could easily take all this air out of this unnatural gasbag. Kamala seems like the obvious choice, followed, of course, by Omorosa.

>>>To an old white man, this seems risky, but I can't be the only one who has noticed that, since 2000, Democrats have won 100 per cent of races with a person of color on the ticket, and they have lost 100 per cent of races without a person of color on the ticket. This would be a smart move in the first post Roe election, and cmon, let's consider the revenge angle. The MAGA MAGOOS would never stop shitting their pants.

This, of course, is me, about 20 hours ago, right above here. I'll support the niminee, but I am one of the 70 per cent.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

The answer was right there, inside me, all along!

ashtar sounds like "asstard"! It's an empirical fact! (Maybe.)

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01


"asstard" will NEVER get old.

JK! It's going to get REAL old!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-01

Ashtar, you caught me in a weak moment, and it stung, but I kind of had it coming. I haven't really liked myself in here, especially going after Crackersmack hammer and tongs. It doesn't seem to bother them, but raging all the time makes me vulnerable. No hard feelings, I hope.

ashtar. - 2024-07-01

No worries man. I enjoy our little arguments. Though said in a jokey and kind of assholeish way, I was genuine about being concerned about your wellbeing.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-02

Well, I'd like to stop, please. The Supreme court news makes me think that, maybe on the 4th, we should write King Charles and tell him it was all a mistake.

No one should worry about me. I'm just terrified. I'm not in poverty. I've always been happy to live modestly. Price Chopper closes early in Sunday. The point of the story, which I guess I could have been a little clearer about, is vulnerability. My life is good, but it appears to be on the ballot. If things ever go south with me, they'll go south with a lot of people.

Because of government programs, my life is, on paper anyway, better than I deserve, and that is what Republicans hate. They will starve 10 children before they will feed an undeserving poor.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

If anyone is still reading this, you can disagree, but the response to the debate was utterly horrifying.

And Biden won. You can disagree, but don't you dare mock me. Sorry to go all boomer on everybody, but I grew up in a world where deliberately lying was objectively worse than being stuck for words. What seems pretty clear is that this is how much damage Trump has already done to us. He has normalized the firehose.

When I say that Biden seemed to be sputtering with rage, does that seem like some kind of excuse I made up?

This was the first time they had met since the election, Biden and the man who has been shitting all over every day of his presidency, telling the most horrible lies any politician has ever said about any other politician.

You know, I should probably care that Biden wrote the horrible crime bill, but I don't any more. It breaks my heart to think of an old man who stuttered as a child, facing that orange Thanksgiving balloon filled with lies and B.O., and not being able to speak. For the first time since Trump went down that escalator, and up my ass, I want revenge.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

The Republican party is clearly well into its death spiral, and all we have to do is not voluntarily follow them into oblivion. Sounds easy, doesn't it?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-04

You would think so.

exy - 2024-07-06

So, that old show, "Crossfire," where the token liberal pretends to make an argument? That's actually politics itself. Exactly, not metaphorically. If only there were a metaphorical, not actual, John Stewart to come shutter it all in a guest appearance.

exy - 2024-07-06

Jon Stewart? I don't know, there's a lot of "John" going on, and I'm an old man now.

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