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Comment count is 6
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

Why is Google putting AI santorum that was written by no one between me and my search results? Adding Gemini to search is like someone came to your garage and gave your car a second steering wheel. They don't know what AI is good for, they just know that they want to own it.

I remember around 2005, when certified ladies man charlie rose had some author as a guest, and the two spent the whole hour plugging Facebook. It's deja vu.

And Gemini wont let you uninstall it. Installing Gemini is like inviting Dracula to come inside. My phone, which came with Assistant, was no longer compatible with assistant. I had to reset my phone. I actually disabled Google, I was that creeped out.. I'm surprised I can make a phone call.

Nominal - 2024-06-28

Step 1: dazzle clueless wealthy angel investors with glossy TED Talk pitch
Step 2: Get gobs of cash for bullshit hype tech product
Step 3: Become wealthy and clueless enough to become an angel investor yourself

Repeat. The circle of life.

ashtar. - 2024-06-28

AI is NFTs 2.0.

Lef - 2024-06-28

I sure hope so, but seems the new AI assist laptops from MS and Apple all have a recoding system that scrapes your screen, keyboard microphone and camera. They can scrape your passwords.

AI in computers as the fascists envision it, will squash whatever is left of our privacy and freedom. It is being used to accelerate our descent into a totalitarian hellscape.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-28

>>>I sure hope so, but seems the new AI assist laptops from MS and Apple all have a recoding system that scrapes your screen, keyboard microphone and camera.

This is exactly why I took up GNU/Linux 25 years ago, before I ever really mastered windows. I didn't want to be a part of humanity trapped into the one entity that owns all the secret, prorpietary code for running civilization. I wish I felt better about being right.

Right now, they're all just sticking AI into every interface, willy nilly. I guess it's about the stock price, because it's definitely fucking up the products.

jfcaron_ca - 2024-06-29

Last Windows I wasn't forced to use was XP, I used a Mac for a while in the 2010s but now I've been back on Linux for good since 2019 or so. It's amazing how much worse Windows has gotten, yet people still use it. I get being forced to use it for work but at least for personal stuff you gotta get out.

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