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Comment count is 7
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

This is all pretty good stuff, even the cheap shot at Biden right at the start, but I submitted this because Florida has a congressional candidate who wants to "suspend habeus corpus" so Trump can "arrest subversives".

These are direct quotes. Don't believe me?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

Even if, after Trump is elected, fascism never comes, that will-not mean that I was wrong to be worried.

SolRo - 2024-07-03

If trump is elected the only way fascism won’t take hold is if somehow the military coups him for being a clear fascist

The courts are now obviously on his side and just that makes congressional power irrelevant

There are thinkpieces about how the military probably won’t follow illegal fascist orders from trump but I’m sure he could find some willing in the CIA or NSA, long time fascist fans, to make trump’s opponents disappear

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-03

Fascism is already here.

Nominal - 2024-07-04

I've found the best channels to follow are Brian Tyler Cohen and MeidasTouch News. In terms of frequency, up to the hour coverage, insight, expertise, and dedicated to nailing MAGA to the wall without coming off as empty feels first punditry like Maddow. They're all lawyers with decades of experience, tons of constitutional knowledge, and frequently have other experienced prosecutors, judges, and constitutional scholars on.

They're so good that I stopped wasting my time with other commentators. You can count on them having a quality video up without hours of every new terrible supreme court decision, Trump, or MAGA move.

For individuals to follow, hunt down any clip with Elie Mystal. He breaks down all the legal developments to the most understanding concepts, turns the anti-MAGA sentiment up to 11, and his fucking hilarious. The Don King hair is the cherry on top.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-07-04

I definitely subscribe to both those channels, and I even have something from MeidasTouch News in the hopper right now. Just keep in mind that, in some ways, MeidasTouch is sort of like Fox News of the Left. They don't lie like Fox, and that's a real nd important but they are similarly clickbait-incentivized to play up any bad news for Trump like a Wagner Opera. Those thumbnail images keep saying things like "THE END OF TRUMP!", and it never is.

Quad9Damage - 2024-07-04

Leave it to The Daily Show to still make me laugh, even as the entire world around me goes to complete shit. For real this time, not just the way it was in 2003.

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