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Comment count is 5
Gunny McRifleson - 2024-06-23

Why are far-righters OBSESSED with wind turbines killing birds?

Cena_mark - 2024-06-23

It's fake environmental concern to harm renewable energy. They don't really give a shit about birds. There's a similar movement to stop offshore windfarms. There's a lie that they kill whales, but it's really spearheaded by NIMBY's and big oil. Ship strikes are the leading killers of whales, but they have no problem with more tankers traversing the waterways.

Gunny McRifleson - 2024-06-23

No, I understand that. I just mean that in 2024, they don't need fake concern or even real reasons. They could just go "RENEWABLES ARE FUCKING GAY! IT'S A PLOT BY LIBERAL HOMOS WHO LIKE SHOVIN' THEM TURBINE BLADES UP THEIR ASSES!" and it won't lose them an ounce of support.

Cena_mark - 2024-06-23

I guess he's hoping to win over some libs. I guess he just can't go on stage and say he opposes windmills because he's a stooge for the oil lobby. He's got to have some reason.

Cena_mark - 2024-06-23

Right wingers always with complaints, but no solutions. Yeah there's a housing crisis, what's their solution? They have no solutions because they don't want to build multifamily housing.
Also, what's the beef with aboriginals having a beach? There are tons of private beaches owned by white folks that people can't go to. It's like Indian Reservations in the states, where the land would be taken away once it was appealing to white folks.

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