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Comment count is 69
Nominal - 2024-06-15

I've seen multiple protests on 3 different campuses.

Every single time, the protestors never accost anyone from their static position.

Every single time, it's the people waving Israeli flags who come to THEM and accost them. The police buddy up to them, ignore the most blatant aggression against the protestors while stepping in against the protestors for the slightest thing (defending themselves against the Israeli flag waving mob).

Binro the Heretic - 2024-06-15

And many of the pro-Palestinian protestors are Jewish.

The Jews you see counter-protesting and attacking the student protestors are the equivalent of the white supremacists who fought against civil rights back in the 1950s & 1960s. It's a small minority, but they're willing to do violence so they get away with it.

A tiny number of assholes is willing to destroy the world if they don't get their way.

teethsalad - 2024-06-16

man im just glad you guys stopped with the NAZI NAZI NAZI and "a filthy (((ZIONIST)))!!!!!! did X in ISRAHELL~~~!!!!" posts

everybody needs to stop pouring gas on the fucking fire

Crackersmack - 2024-06-16

worse than nazis, because at least some Germans could say "we didn't know it was happening" and some of them would have plausible deniability. no such defense can be made of Israelis, a totally irredeemable nation of violent fascist thugs

SolRo - 2024-06-16

Updated the tags for you

Fuck Israel and its lying supporters

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

Fuck you, Crackersmack.

Did you know about the genocide? Yes? So why haven't you stopped it, huh? If you know about it, and haven't stopped it, does that Crackersmack make a violent fascist thug? I don't think so, even though you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Plenty of Israelis oppose the murderous reign of Bibi the Bloody. We have two heartless muderous regimes, both reported to be unpopular with their own people, whose political survival depends on keeping the slaughter going, and that's what they manage to keep doing, no matter what. They might as well be in cahoots.

SolRo - 2024-06-16

Israel doesn’t get a pass just because a very small minority of them think Arabs have human rights

Might as well be going #notallgermans1942

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

They can obliterate themselves to the last molecule, still not budging.

SolRo - 2024-06-16

Still doing your little “both sides” routine in front of a mountain of 36,000 bodies to a crowd of 2 million starving to death?

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

Nor even saying “both sides”, dork. Not my job to care, and my opinions, and your opinions, are not being solicited. They going to do what they going to do. There’s no argument to be made, but I can shake my head and say “Tut tut, seems like they had 70 years to figure something out.”

Not my job, not my guilt, not my responsibility.

SolRo - 2024-06-16

You do seem to keep tut tutting at anyone that does care

Like you’re trying to defend something indefensible but don’t want to get dogpiled for outright saying you support the Zionist regime

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

This isn't like Democrats vs. Republicans. Both sides are literally equally bad, dont to the tenth decimal point, and beyond. They're exactly equally horrible, because both bibi's regime and hamas own all of it. They keep the machine running for their own advantage. Hamas has signed on to the Palestinian deaths AND the Israeli deaths. Israel has signed on to the Palestinian deaths AND the Israeli deaths. It keeps them in all in power, and they take turns giving the wheel another spin.

It's BIBI and Hamas, not israel and palestiians.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

I don't support THIS regime. Frankly, I don't have a strong opinion of Zionism. It SOUNDS kind of fucked up, I guess.

I'm anti murder. Can we do zionism without the blood, or is blood compulsory (literary reference).

SolRo - 2024-06-16

You old people seem to be confused

Being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas, you gullible senile fucks

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

I don't care if you care, dork. Whoopdy doo, you care. Caring, no matter how intense you may care, is not going to change any trajectory of any bullets in any capacity in this scenario. You're merely being a Useful Idiot in either regard.

It would be better to just not contribute than flail around and get angry that the flailing does nothing. This is a FLAIL-PROOF SITUATION. Any flailing that could have affected ANYTHING was shaved smooth in 1968, decades before I, the old man apparently, was born.

You're a dork.

SolRo - 2024-06-16

Then why the fuck are you geriatrics flailing about demanding we stop caring?

Is it guilt?

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

Caring which could change either side in this is directly cognate with prayer. Seems like if any two people on Earth have a direct line to God, it's the two sides standing on his favorite city on the planet. Either one or the other side would be dominant, and yet the bad guys here are winning. Surely God wouldn't allow THAT, but yet

And if it ISN'T a matter of religious intransigence, if you've had 70 years to identify a slowly moving glacier which WILL obliterate your house and everything in it's way, saying "My people have lived here for 2000 years" is not the smartest procedure. What then is it? Raw ego? Love of place? Just get the fuck out of the way. Fucking get out of the way.

And if you're talking about guilt, I'd love to see how you figure that one out. Perhaps you've mistaken me for somebody sitting on the House Ways and Means Committee, and trust me, I ASSURE YOU, I would tell you if I was. In fact, if ANYBODY HERE HAD ANY CAPABILITY TO ATTEND TO YOUR PLEAS IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, THEY'RE LONG GONE.

You're angry. You're grumpy. You're wounded. Great. Aim that at people who can help. I am not that person. Nobody here is that person. I won't lie to you and tell you that I am capable of helping you, my dude. I also won't lift a molecule to soothe your emotional outrage, that seems like it sucks for you.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

>>>Being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas, you gullible senile fucks

Of course not, In fact, I think the supporters of genocide among us are a definite minority, probably less than 40 per cent.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-17

"less than 40 percent of us support the ongoing holocaust. I'm voting for Hitler because the guy that is running against Hitler is rude. I tell myself that his holocaust would be worse as I vote to endorse and continue this holocaust"

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-17

Again, you've consistently and obstinately refused to address the inability to change anything here. You can't change anything, I can't change anything, nobody can change anything HERE. Nothing changes. Get angry at CPAC, get angry at the Harvard board of trustees, get angry at the people who are holding the guns and supplying them.


If you can't make something BETTER, at least don't make it WORSE. If you had ever asked my opinion (you didn't, you merely assumed), you'd have found it considerably harsher on Israel than you'd like to hear, but because it's not based in whatever People's Microphone bullshit you demand for the sake of partisan purity, it would've been disregarded anyway, so I never did.

Instead, you just drove everybody out. Not because they're "Nazis", not because you're making a heroic stand for an oppressed race, but because you saw this as a slam dunk to flop your crustpunk purity cred around and people just left.

Again, go get mad at people WHO CAN HELP YOU.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-17

No way, I was under the impression that you all were senators. Could've sworn that JHM was Fetterman.

SolRo - 2024-06-17

Like what part of your Alzheimer’s makes you think that because we individually cannot stop someone with the power to control a whole country that you are allowed to demand we stop talking about it?

And thank you for admitting you have been an uneducated idiot who can’t grasp complex issues since grade school

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-17

Bitch, we know you. You're over 40. You can't play that game around here.

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-17



SolRo - 2024-06-17

I can talk about it with other people

And since your bitch whining can’t stop me then YOU need to fuck right off and give up

39, suck on it grandpa

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-17

Oh, like just give up and go to Egypt when the border was still open?

SolRo - 2024-06-18

Thanks for taking the mask off and demanding prisoners in Gaza leave the prison, which they are not allowed to leave, told reporters make the ethnic cleansing not as annoying for you

You’re a living piece of shit, a literal breathing turd

Gmork - 2024-06-18

holy fucking shit lost any respect for you on this CD, not like you care about respect or humanity or really anything at all besides your own opinion apparently

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-18

My opinion is, of course, mine. I object to fiat demands to fall in line merely because a rando on the internet was insistent. Heavens to Betsy,

Maybe blame the lack of that vaunted Muslim brotherhood, that special esprit d’corps that invites the people submitted to Allah to look with charity and compassion to others of their faith. Seems like maybe just don’t be a petulant puritan for 70 years, then tacitly agree to collective suicide and staple your women and children unwittingly to the plan. The truth is, when all is said and done, and the light of time is revealed, we’ll find out EXACTLY who supplied the weapons, and his name rhymes with “Blared Blushner”. Can the folks who closed the gates take care of their own on this one? Nah? Alright, we’ll, guess you can vote for…

And that’s what it’s about. I’m not falling for this one. It sucks they volunteered their kids for death but that’s pretty common for death cults.

SolRo - 2024-06-18

Thanks for your worthless comments you worthless Zionist simp

Glad we got you to finally admit how much a worthless piece of trash you are after all your retarded flailing around the bush

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

>> If you know about it, and haven't stopped it, does that Crackersmack make a violent fascist thug?

Just want everyone to know, the Yoda syntax is deliberate, and not a mistake.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

Please care! Go nuts!

I should add that How much do I care? Enough that I'm not losing my shit at people who criticize Biden. Both sides are equally bad, but my country, the united states is not equally responsible for both sides.

I don't know why, for the last 70 years, America has been standing with Israel no matter what, but it's been the default for as long as I remember, and nost of us had been cowered against criticiing We're finally seeing some change, but realistically, it's not going to happen all at once.

Genocide may be the only thing worth taking some risks with angry 2025 project Trump, whose vengence will be felt personally by every liberal, woman, and minority group, and it will be cruel, he's going to make sure of it, specially for the trans. Go ahead and threaen to vote for RFK, or stay home, but do me a favor and consider bluffing.

>>>>>Being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas, you gullible senile fucks

and vice versa.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-16

Sol Ro, please cut Cognative Dissonance some slack. He's obviously depressed by how shitty every single thiing in the entire world is right now. Believe me, I recognize the signs!

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

That's definitely a major part of it! If he thinks I'm some sort of champagne liberal, he's completely divorced from reality. Trust me, if I was capable of eking out the electrons necessary to supply self-excoriation in unwinnable purity arguments, I'd have enough for SELF-pity.

"Wars and rumors of war," so saith the guy.

I wish to God I knew what the correct answer was to give SolRo that wasn't a total lie. He assumed my sect without asking, he assumed my role and rank in society wildly inaccurately, he thinks I'm somehow really clued in on this specific field of human crisis, and I'm over here trying to watch Morton Downey Jr. interview Tiny Tim. Even if I could put on the guise of woe that is apparently necessary to exist in SolRo's eyes, there'd be at least a dozen other issues still standing in line ahead of motherfucking Fraught Topic City-State.

cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-16

AND IF HE THINKS IT'S MERELY ON HIS HEAD, no, I've been weary of this entire topic since they tried to explain it to me in sixth grade. I roll my eyes, the lemmings are going to jump over the cliff again.

Gmork - 2024-06-18

'seriously guys you should care less about this genocide"

go fuck yourself

Nominal - 2024-06-17

The worst part about this is JHM's inability to figure out the reply button after 18 years. Do you stalk 20 something white youtube chicks just to give you grandkids to help to program the VCR?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-17

Okay, Nominal, was that supposed to be a replay to something I posted? Because it confused me when you started a new topic.


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-17

>>>Do you stalk 20 something white youtube chicks just to give you grandkids to help to program the VCR?

No, I do not.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-17

>>>The worst part about this is JHM's inability to figure out the reply button after 18 years.

Norm McDonald might say that the worst part is the genocide.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-06-17

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cognitivedissonance - 2024-06-17


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-17

"less than 40 percent of us support the ongoing holocaust. I'm voting for Hitler because the guy that is running against Hitler is rude. I tell myself that his holocaust would be worse as I vote to endorse and continue this holocaust"

This is such a weak strawman, it doesn't even have straw.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-18

John when you vote for Biden in November you are voting in favor of killing more Palestinians in increasingly cruel ways. If Biden wins that is how it will be interpreted. We already have US special forces using humanitarian aid vehicles as cover to enter Ramallah and kill civilians, and that is before the election. Whatever they escalate to on November 6th is going to be even worse than what they have done so far. You want to have a part in that? Why?

Gmork - 2024-06-18

you've got to be pretty fucking retarded to not hear what the right is saying they'll do in gaza with trump in power, but by all means exacerbate what's happening AND allow all protest to become illegal on paper, and not just half-way in practice

Crackersmack - 2024-06-18

What will the Republicans do? Will they allow the insane, murderous, fascist government of Israel to fully define America's participation in this? Will the US government use it's veto power in the UN to help starve human beings to death? Will The Republicans announce that they will ship billions of dollars in weapons to Israel on the very day that mass graves full of medical workers are discovered outside a hospital?

Please, with all sincerity, tell me how it is even possible to escalate this conflict. How could they be worse? The current administration already gives Israel everything it wants and more. I'm supposed to believe that Republicans would do what exactly?

glasseye - 2024-06-18

Both halves of the capitalist-imperialist party enthusiastically support genocide.


January von Rodeo - 2024-06-18

CS you give the lie to every self righteous tirade you've ever spewed here with that idiocy.

Everyone here is aware of how much fucking darker it can get in the States and around the world that goddamn Joe Biden.

SolRo - 2024-06-18

Trump supports fast genocide

Biden supports slow genocide

Of the two options the system gives us, only one has a realistic possibility of the guy dying in office and a brown woman taking over and maybe not supporting genociding brown people

Crackersmack - 2024-06-18

as this moral depravity becomes background noise to life in America it warps all of us in ways we can’t imagine, yes I am self-righteous, this is madness.

we're the German people watching ashes rain down like snow and half of us are going "but the other guy is worse, the TV tells me so"

Crackersmack - 2024-06-18

exhibit a: "slow genocide" as the moral option, the "lesser evil"

SolRo - 2024-06-18

Nah Hitler was the trump option in every way

And always pick the lesser evil, fuck, that isn’t rocket science.

Less evil good, more evil BAD, for fucks sake

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-18

Yeah, "Biden supports slow genocide" is not exactly the argument I would make

Right now, I keep hearing from the mainstream media that Biden is pressuring Bibi, and leftist randos keep saying that Biden has completely given over to Bibi. Probably, both groups are full of shit, especially Crackersmack, who is his own kind of moron.

Obviously, Biden is more likely to respond to political pressure to get tough on Bibi, not because Trump is "rude", or any of that weak nonsense, but because the.pressure is coming from Biden's base, not Trump's base. There are limits to how much of a.shift you can expect from Biden, or any politician, before the election, but I think Biden cares about being criticized about this, so maybe you should keep it up for.now.. I think he's been fairly responsive so if you want to threaten to withhold your vote, please consider not following through, bur
by all means, I won't hold it against you. The needle has moved maybe for.the first time. Yeah, it took.long enough.

Also, there's the Supreme Court, reproductive rights, Trump's not at all secret plan to replace non partisan public service with election denying loyalists, and the fact that Trump tells three lies for every breath he takes.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-18

>>>Both halves of the capitalist-imperialist party enthusiastically support genocide.


Are you really so simplistic

Question mark?

SolRo - 2024-06-19

I mean yeah Biden supports slow genocide

He doesn’t like that Israel is murdering thousands of people per week but it increasingly looks like he’s just against the optics of it.

He hasn’t been hard on Israeli expansionism and ethnic cleansing projects in his whole career so it’s pretty safe, if not “nice”, to say he’s one of the supporters of the Zionist genocide project

And still trump would be worse

Crackersmack - 2024-06-19

...and that is why American liberalism is more deeply evil than conservatism. You know you're wrong. You know you're supporting evil. You do it fully understanding what you support. You aren't a true believer in a false idea like conservatives are. You haven't been duped, or lied to. You look at the dead children, you look at the crying parents, the collapsed buildings, the starving babies, and you choose willingly to continue that. And then you tell yourself that you are morally better.

moral depravity.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-19

...and that is why Amerwcan wiberawism is more deeply eviw than consewvatism. You know you'we wong. You know you're suppowting evil. You do it fuwwy undewstanding what you suppowt. You awen't a twue bewiever in a fawse idea wike consewvatives are. You haven't been duped, or wied to. You look at the dead childwen, you look at the cwying parents, the cowwapsed buiwdings, the stawving babies, and you choose wiwwingly to continue that. And then you teww youwssewlf that you are mowawwy bettew.

mowal depwavity.

January von Rodeo - 2024-06-19

There isn't anything willing about this and we all hate it you tepid oyster. You're just using this devastation to furiously jerk it on the subway while yelling I AM THA ONLY ONE HERE WITH A HEART AND A BRAIN, ALSO THIS HEINOUS TRAGEDY FUELS MY EXHIBITIONISM, UGH, AWUGHUGHUGH

You don't care about any of this. You just want to see the chaos intensify. Good job making it your life's work making this a worse place and helping no person or issue whatsoever while you use their pain to grandstand for shaggier monsters.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-19

Whatever Crackersmack's argument is about whatever he's talking about, if you could mark it on on a flow chart, the final circle is always "Trump Apologist". Whereever he goes, that's always where he winds up.

Just explain to me why voting for Trump (or RFK)is going to produce a better outcome, Crappersnack, or GTFO.

Don't talk to me about my moral depravity, it's horseshit. Talk about the hope for a solution. No one in Gaza giives a fuck about my moral education. It's a nonissue. Talk about HOW voting for Trump, or RFK JR, is going to make anybody's life better. You never touch on how that's supposed to work.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-19

You obviously should not vote for Trump or RFK Jr. for the same reasons that you should not vote for Biden.

However if you vote for any one of these monsters and pretend that choice makes you better than another moron that voted for a different monster, then you are definitely the most most ignorant and dangerous idiot out of all of them.

But what do you care, right JHM? You don't live in the real world. You decided a long time ago to never grow up. This is all just a fun mental exercise for you so why not vote for the guy that is starving children to death? Nothing is real except the comic book movies.

January von Rodeo - 2024-06-20

No amount of fingerpointing at other weirdos is making you better or righter, nor is it serving any of the suffering people you are disgustingly invoke in your petty slapfights and performative shirt-rending, and all of us would be better off without you.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

>>>You obviously should not vote for Trump or RFK Jr. for the same reasons that you should not vote for Biden.


ARE THESE MEN interchangable to you? I maintin that if you cannot discern the difference, you are bad at discerning things.

Because the only moral choice is not to choose.

Because there is no difference between Trump and Biden, if you take the long long long long long long view.

Because the starving Palestinians really don't care who is POTUS, so you might as well leave that to chance.

Because if I vote for the NADER/STEIN ticket, whoever wins, I have no responsibility. Don't blame me for the mess, I voted for Beyonce. Or I might as well have.

>>>This is all just a fun mental exercise for you so why not vote for the guy that is starving children to death? Nothing is real except the comic book movies.

"The guy who is starving children to death?" Gosh, that sounds like a full-time job! What an illuminating example from the adult in the room, blowing our minds

Actually, I'm less into comic book movies now. I'm going through a horror phase.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

Since at least 1967, when I was nine years old, and the six day war happened, Israel has controlled the discussion in American politics, and that has finally changed. Just a couple of years ago, Ilhan Omar criticized Israel for spending money lobbying the USA, a completely valid criticism, and people on both sides attacked her from drawing on antisemitic tropes or something. Now you can criticize Israel.

I'm a white male who lives in upstate New York. I 've certainly had Jewish friends, but I can't think of anyone I know right now. So you know, a white kid growing up with other white people. I never thought I had a dog in the fight, and that makes criticism of Israel difficult, because anything I said against Israel was going to be judged anti-semitic, and I didn't feel that I knew anything about the topic. And so, for years, I said little, while growing increasingly uncomfortable at what I was learning, and I assume that there many others like me.

That has finally changed. The right still likes to dismiss protestors as pro-hamas, but there is widespread protest on the left, finally.

We have an opportunity.

Now, I said this before. The change is on the left, meaning left of center. The political pressure is coming from the Democratic base, and that means that democratic politicians are more likely to shift, and Biden has "signaled change", which is unsatisfactory, but it's as much as can be reasonably expected from a presidential candidate five months before the election. Sorry, but that's on the ground reality in this fucked up Philip K Dick reality, where Trump won in 2016. Somewhere in the multiverse, Hillary won, and I wish I was there right now.

This is my reason. I've given it more than once, and I've gotten from Wankercrank are platitudes, insults, and disparaging remarks about comic book movies.

Let's agree, for the sake of argument, that I am a terrible person who refuses to grow up. That's fine, but you take into consideration the choices that we actually have, am I wrong?

Crackersmack - 2024-06-20

What value is your newfound ability to criticize Israel if you just end up doing their bidding anyway?

If Biden wins do you honestly think Democrats will respond by taking anti-genocide sentiments among their voters seriously? Or is it more likely that they will interpret the win as a mandate to kill even more Palestinians. Proof that they don't have to humor the anti-war faction at all.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

>>>If Biden wins do you honestly think Democrats will respond by taking anti-genocide sentiments among their voters seriously?

I'm one hundred per cent expecting lip service, which is a big part of holding politicians accountable.

Unlike WackieSlacks, non-fucktards know that in no possible way will the GOP not be far far worse, for Palestinans, and, not incidentally, Americans. FOX NEWS never stops equating the Palestinian people with Hamas. They're not afraid to be caught looking cruel, and yes that's worse.

Big fan of project 2025, eh, WackieSlacks?

I'd much rather talk about principles than personalities, but you just can't ignore the objective fact that Crackersmack is the WORST. It's as if Evil Homer suffered massive head trauma.

"YES, I AM BEING SELF RIGHTEOUS!" Lick me, you twat.

His position on trans issues is fanciful ignorance, and nothing else. He'll take you on la ong journey, but he's always headed to the MAGAvania, where the vampires feast.

No shit, I've actually seen this deep thinker use the words "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!" More than once!

His presense, on the other hand, is a reminder that we're all here 100 percent on purpose. I didn't come to POE because an algorthm tricked me into thinking I discovered the place. I found a link on SomethingAwful, a website my son liked.

We need to bring back portals, for fuck sake. We could all use nice cold bowl of Web 1.0.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

>>>He doesn’t like that Israel is murdering thousands of people per week but it increasingly looks like he’s just against the optics of it.

That's because the optics are not good. I, too, am against the optics.

But what are you saying? There's been a shift? The distinction you're making seems impossible to discern, impossible to measure, and of dubious meaning.

SolRo - 2024-06-20

If you need an explanation on why being against mass murder only because it’s making you look bad I don’t even know where to start

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

Readers of English will note that I never said that. What I said us the option are bad. True or false? I'm just wondering if there's a moment when he stopped caring about the humanity and started caring more about the optics, which you were able to discern through shrewd observation of human nature and/or ESP, because readers of English will also note that's what you said, and I think you made it up.

If President X should happen to do the right thing, or the wrong thing, I don't care about the motive
Mayb he's a secret Muslim, or he wants to impress Jodie Foster, or maybe he's a narcissistic, delusional lunatic
Or maybe he's virtue signaling. Idgaf.

I think Biden probably does care about the optics. I did a little googling, and, according to Wikipedia, there's an election coming up!

Please pardon the mistakes. Typing on the phone without my reading glasses is a younger man's game.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

*Errata: While typing on my phone, I accidentally typed "option" instead of "optics", which I intended.

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