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Comment count is 22
Nominal - 2024-06-01

Also worth looking up the summary of FOX news' coverage of the trial.

"It's not a fair trial because it's taking place in a Biden state."
"They changed the law to make it a felony just to go after Trump."
"1st amendment violation blah blah."

Conversations with my parents this week told they believe all of these.

SolRo - 2024-06-01

I saw a little of it and at one point they kept calling the felonies misdemeanors

Quad9Damage - 2024-06-06

"But what about the laptop?"
"But what about the laptop?"
"But what about the laptop?"

Binro the Heretic - 2024-06-01

A lot of people seem to think they can checkmate a guy who's more than ready to flip the board.

And the Democrats are under the delusion the voters will surely turn out for Biden, now. This HAS to be the thing that will motivate them.

I'm pretty sure at least one person will die because of this or at least a serious attempt on someone's life will be made. The judge, most likely. Maybe a juror?

And in the end, it will probably just get overturned.

decoy - 2024-06-01

"I'm pretty sure at least one person will die because of this or at least a serious attempt on someone's life will be made."

One person...a dark mirror reflective of the fact that Men of Silver have past intervened and, regardless electoral results, Trump will never again set foot in the Oval. May it never go so far.

glasseye - 2024-06-03

Dems high-fiving themselves over this is so incredibly insufferable. As always, Fuck Trump, but come on. At least wait until there are actual consequences.

They'll never learn, and meanwhile Biden keeps doubling down on Trump's polices and they LOVE IT.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-01

As a fun exercise, ask a few people in your day to day life if they can give you a summary of what he is guilty of.

Crab Mentality - 2024-06-02

Awww, your leader had a bad day! So tragic!

Hahahaha, I remember like a month into Biden's administration you asked us if we missed Trump yet. We don't, and never will.

teethsalad - 2024-06-02

dude you live in fucking florida in vacationworld

that's like a petri dish for low info voters

Crackersmack - 2024-06-02

Florida is a huge and diverse state full of dirt poor people that have been totally abandoned by the Democratic Party. lots of people here would love to vote against Desantis but not for fucking Charlie Crist. the state Dem Party is a country club for 80 year old real estate developer millionaires and nobody else.

Crab Mentality - 2024-06-03

Wow, it sounds like you're the victim of jerrymandering! However, I remember that you've always been against fixing problems, instead just gloating in the misery of others. So go fuck yourself!

Mister Yuck - 2024-06-01

Who gives a shit? He won't get in trouble in a way that matters, and he's going to be president again next year.

Nominal - 2024-06-01

"Who cares?"
"Stop talking politics!"
"Trump is going to win."

All things only said by right wing shit heads and hardcore pure progressives who don't realize they're right wing shit heads.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-06-01

Why can't the centrist neoliberal moderate Democrats be the ones who "vote blue, no matter who"?

Mister Yuck - 2024-06-01

Cheers to Crackersmack for completely hollowing out Nom's skull. Dear lord you have completely lost your mind.

Crab Mentality - 2024-06-03

It's funny that you're stuck defending some asshole forever because you went mask-off fascist for him.

Nominal - 2024-06-03

At its core, the appeal of the Republican party and all fascist messaging is the promise to hurt others. Nothing else. Not in improving anything, not a brighter tomorrow, but promising voters who they will hurt. An engine of hate in constant need of new victims to shovel into the boiler.

And that's what is behind turds like Yuck, Cracker, Teeth, etc. When your only joy in life is reveling in the suffering and misery of others, of course you're going to gravitate towards the side of fascists. No matter how many black berets you dress yourself up in.

"There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy...All competing pleasures will be destroyed...Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever."

glasseye - 2024-06-03

Progressives aren't right wing, dingus.

But sure, continue your victory lap. I'll wait until there are actual consequences for the guy.

And eh, Biden is hurting plenty of people RIGHT NOW with his Trump 2.0 policies, and the blue MAGA ghouls love it. Just look at them rejoicing over his fascist bullshit EO on the border. He's significantly further to the right than fucking Reagan or George W Bush on this, and they love every minute of it, because he's their guy.

Evil policies are evil, no matter what color tie the guy enacting them wears.

glasseye - 2024-06-03

But hey, donate today and you can get YOUR NAME engraved on a brick in the Biden-Trump border wall!!! For the low low price of your soul!

Quad9Damage - 2024-06-06

Nothing is going to happen to him. He could be found guilty on 37 counts of eating a live baby on national television, and it would get him a trillion more dollars for his campaign. He is going to be President again next year, and we will have four more of him mumbling, farting, making outrageous demands, tweeting, bulldozing open Internet, eating baby, and insisting a Democrat conspiracy is preventing him from having eight more years.

Israel and Palestine will continue to fight until we all finish cooking to death. Israel will keep throwing the gun at the sheepherder's feet and reporting, "They were comin' right for us!" There is fuck all any of us can do about it except be thankful we aren't holed up in a Palestinian school.

And we are going to keep pooping in our hands and flinging it at each other until this domain expires. Not even an adorable geriatric cat can unite us anymore.

Crab Mentality - 2024-06-06

You just kind of summed up the attitude I'm so sick and tired of.

You think the fucking baby boomers are immortal? You think assholes have superpowers?

"The world sucks, and will suck, so just give up and give in" is practically a motto I've seen bandied about a lot lately. And that's exactly the attitude that a shitty minority needs in order to rule over a much larger, more reasonable population.

Just because you gave up doesn't mean I did. You can go ahead and leave whenever if you don't feel like being useful, insightful, or funny.

Quad9Damage - 2024-06-07

I feel like there used to be a lot more insightful and funny people here. Now it just seems like it's the same three users fighting each other in every comment section.

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