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Comment count is 31
Lef - 2024-05-29

plenty evil

Sputum - 2024-05-29

i had been on the fence, but this settles it.

death to israel

teethsalad - 2024-05-31

i'm sure another round of violent reprisals is all it'll take to solve the problem

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-05-29

who cares.

SolRo - 2024-05-29

You do, since you keep trying to bury anything anti zionist

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-05-30

Give me something pro zionist and I'll bury that too

Lef - 2024-05-30

Seriosu question:

How is this anti zionist?

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-30

A story has come out about the bombing of Al-Hali Baptist Hospital by the IDF.

A Palestinian father had to literally go around and collect the pieces of his children.

All he had to put them in were plastic grocery bags.

The US paid for the bombs that did that.

In this instance, picking no side is picking a side.

teethsalad - 2024-05-31

love how you guys tune in for the last five minutes of a centuries old conflict with both sides perched on a mountain of skulls and think you're qualified to play referee or that we could somehow pull strings and solve everything with zero unintended consequences

american exceptionalism is boiled into all your bones

Crackersmack - 2024-05-31

The conflict started in 1948.

ashtar. - 2024-05-31

Adopting a tone of smug condescension while confidently asserting misconceptions of very basic facts is really becoming your trademark, teeth.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-06-01


Which side has the backing of almost every major world power? Which side is ignored when they violate international laws and human rights? Which side is given the latest and greatest military technology and free license to use it?

Which side has killed more innocent people?

You say both sides are "perched on a mountain of skulls."

One side is on a molehill of skulls.

Nominal - 2024-05-29

All the overt calls from the top of Israeli leadership for Gaza to be bulldozed and used as settler lebensraum, and shitheels like this endlessly focus on these two intentionally misinterpreted lines from a song.

The one trait reactionaries share is continually acting like rotten children. Every finger pointing whataboutism isn't some appeal to fairness or principle, but an excuse to continue their own shitty behavior.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-29


Cena_mark - 2024-05-30

Israel has reached a point where they know they can only appeal to the MAGA crowd.

glasseye - 2024-05-30

Only if you include Blue MAGA; there are plenty of dems who don't care that Israel keeps murdering children.

ashtar. - 2024-05-31

Netanyahu has been pretty open about undermining Democratic presidents for a while.

Doesn't seem to matter to the mainstream of the Democratic party, for some reason.

SolRo - 2024-05-31

Because they’ve seen what the aipac types can do to your party when they managed to smear englands labor party for a decade for criticizing the Nazi regime occupying Palestine

Robin Kestrel - 2024-05-31

Conservative comedy always lands every joke! The crafting, the timing, the word-play. Chef’s kiss!

SolRo - 2024-05-31

It’s a work of art

In line with a toddler smearing their shit all over a bathroom wall

yogarfield - 2024-06-01

Yeah, we found the real bomb right here.

I am still confused as to why we are paying attention to children who don't understand the nuances of.. DECADES of conflict.

Not every Jewish person is a Zionist.

Not every Palestinian is Hamas.

Bibi is after everyone, and is funded by American Christian antisemitic lunatics that think this could trigger the End Times.

It really is that simple.


I live a few blocks from a university that had a massive encampment, and it was met with Zionist counter protests.

The chants became "GO BACK TO THE GAS CHAMBERS"

A few nights later, one of the Zionists delivered some aid food, and it included poisoned cookies.

That's about the point where my nihilism kicked back in.

glasseye - 2024-06-02

What "nuance" do you have to explain away the murdered children I see on my timeline every single day?

Genocide is bad you fucking ghoul.

SolRo - 2024-06-02

It’s so nuanced when Zionists chant racism at a crowd, get some vitriol thrown back in their faces AND DECIDE TO MURDER PEOPLE WITH POISON

Really hard to pick a side there!

yogarfield - 2024-06-04


I figured it was obvious that by "children", I meant dumb college kids on both sides trying to look cool by latching onto a cause celebre.

Didn't know that I was talking to children here.

Bibi is committing a slaughter, but these kids.. and I'm going to say it ON BOTH SIDES are just trying to look cool. I've walked through and it's people who don't know the history ON BOTH SIDES.

Bibi is a murderer supported by Christian zealots who want to end the world, at the cost of murdering poor people.

Dollars to donuts you had zero idea what "from the river to the sea" was, nor "Bibi" until they became buzzwords.

I wasted several years of my academic life understanding this, so I regret to inform you that this "ghoul" knows way more than you do on this topic.

Kindergarten talk:

Not every Jewish Person is a Zionist.

Palestine is not Hamas.

That is the nuance college kids don't get. They were treating it like Woodstock, but I guess you'd have to be there to understand it.

Fuck Hamas, fuck the IDF, Free Palestine.

Crackersmack - 2024-06-04

"they don't know the history"

what history should they learn and how would it better inform their opposition to the mass murder of civilians? what don't they understand?

SolRo - 2024-06-04

The fact that you keep harping on about not all Jews are Zionists is a dumb as fuck dog whistle about any criticism of Israel is antisemitism

These protests aren’t against Jews, they’re against genocidal Israelis

yogarfield - 2024-06-07

My whole point is that college kids are dumb. How in the hell is this point not coming across? I was saying it's uneducated takes on both sides.

For what it's worth, one of my best friends is a Russian Jew whose family had to flee the Nazi's. She is almost the last of her namesake.

She is staunchly anti-Zionist, actually went to Tel Aviv, the Strip and the Golan Heights within the past year to see some of the last of her family.

I was making a simple point that nuance is important in making a proper argument. It clearly doesn't work here, because you somehow mistook me as a Zionist is laughable.

Slow talking: Fuck Bibi, Fuck Zion, Fuck Biden's slow game, Fuck Evangelicals, Fuck Hamas. College kids doing worthless political stunts cheapens the actual pain of victims and also weakens discourse. It's not a deep concept.

Is that slow enough for you? Jesus Christ, I wonder how you two even manage to type.

Gmork - 2024-06-10

You haven't explained how they are stunts or worthless.

ashtar. - 2024-06-11

The college kids in question are well aware that all Jews are not Zionists. As has been the case in most pro-palestinian human rights protests, there are more Jewish protesters than there are Jews in the general population.

They seem better informed about the reality of the conflict than most people. I'm not sure where the "they're misinformed" is coming from, other than boomers and neo-cons with opinion columns in major papers trying to make excuses for supporting genocide.

yogarfield - 2024-06-15

@gmork So you've clearly never hit the streets, been in a protest or action.

I have never organized, but I have been flashbanged by the SPD, swatted by their bike patrol when the mountain bike kettling happened.

I'm used to photographing these actions, and walking through the DMV on UW I can confirm that there are idiots on both sides. As in I heard their hate speech, and both sides tried to take my camera.

@ashtar First hand confirmation, they absolutely don't know. I stood in between them, and it was disgusting. You weren't there, and probably don't know that here these encampments usually get infested with ticks, and they tend to be the loudest.

There's well-meaning peaceful protestors, and then there's several of these fat nazi fellas walking around. But again, how could you know? You don't live here.

Since you weren't there, the children on one side were chanting "Go back to the gas chambers", and the counter was literally chanting "From the river to the sea!"

Again, disgusting.

@gmork Explain to me how what I just described as worthless? It's idiot kids who are trying to seem hip. Trust me, I felt like I needed to wash my hands and my SD because I was just shooting ignorance. On both sides.

Free Palestine, and fuck the idiot children that are feeding a narrative. MSM will find they just need a nibble of some racism and both sides can milk it for a day.

And just to put the cherry on the top, some of the pro-Palestine encampment were chanting "from the river to the sea". So yeah, they didn't know what they were saying.

ashtar. - 2024-06-19

Well, I can't argue with first person experience. I'm out in the middle of nowhere now. I agree with you about the things you saw, for what it's worth.

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