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Comment count is 3
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-05-28

What the hell? 1989? Big money was invested into this.

I just had a thought.. We already live in an overwhelmingly large sea of various media, too much music, movies, tv shows, books, computer games, etc. to ever experience. But that stuff is just the successful relatively popular stuff.

The stuff that never saw the light of day probably outnumbers it by 1000's to one.

I'm sure many of you (I certainly do) have hard drives or dusty boxes with stuff u made, or worked for a company making stuff that never surfaced.

I dont really have a point, I was just thinking that if the current lake of media is overwhelming, than the dark underground ocean of unfinished or unreleased stuff is kinda scarily large.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-29

The point of the modern entertainment industry is to cram more money into the pockets of rich assholes.

Private equity firms get their greedy mitts on studios, make themselves executives and start squeezing as much money as they can out of it.

If they think a movie will make more money as a tax write-off than it will take in on opening weekend, they'll kill it.

They'll start selling off or at least renting out all the assets needed to make movies and shows.

They'll whittle the staff down to the barest of bones.

They don't want to make movies and shows. Most of them hate movies and shows. Money is their only motive.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-29

A lot of decent animation, but doesn't fit with the Beatles vibe.

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